Have you ever wondered why Iowa is the way it is? One thing that plays a major role is the first people that settled here. Two of the main groups that came to Iowa as it was just starting out were the European immigrants as well as some German immigrants. Both of these groups were very prominent in Iowa and had important parts in the way Iowa developed.
During World War I, some of the German customs that were once accepted and loved by the American people, were changed into more politically correct terms. For example, sauerkraut was renamed to liberty cabbage, and German measles was renamed to liberty measles. Also during the war, telephone calls and religious services made in German were illegal. Although some exceptions were made, most of the laws were followed. After the war was over, however, the relations with the Germans were restored as almost as much as before the war. Some of the reasons that the Germans came to America was jobs, civil issues, or just to start a new life in a new place. Because Iowa and the United States were in the middle of an industrialization state, some of the people from Germany decided that coming to the United States was a better opportunity to have money and have a great life than back in their home country. Another reason that Germans came to Iowa and America was civil issues in Germany. Some of the stuff that happens in Germany is more extreme than in the U.S., and the Germans decided to leave. Germany is run by a parliamentary democracy which is similar to the government of the United States. The Germans settled all over the place in Iowa. In fact, the German Americans were in each of the 99 counties. The Germans grew and prosper in many ways. Since the Germans were so prominent, some of their cultures were integrated into Iowa’s culture. Some of the things that happened because of the Germans were the German Measles, some food from Germany like sauerkraut, and towns were created. Other groups that migrated …show more content…
Hot dogs, hamburgers, potato chips, and macaroni and cheese. Without the Europeans coming to the United States and Iowa, the American culture that hamburgers and mac ‘n cheese is the most common meal wouldn’t have existed.
Iowa can be considered as a large “melting pot” of cultures. It means that there are many groups that come together and make one large custom for a given area. With more than 300 different languages in the United States, Iowa also has many languages like Spanish, German, and English.
There are also some other immigrant groups that came to Iowa as well. The Irish, for example, left because of the harsh working environment, came to work in America for the new life start and better wages. Even more Irish migrated to the United states, especially Iowa, because of the potato famine that had swept the homeland.
Another one of the immigrant groups that came to Iowa was the Dutch. Most of the Dutch settled in Pella, a town named in the Bible. Most of them came because of freedom of religion and sheep, and very easily could have been beaten or killed back in their home