Hassle's River Town Analysis

Superior Essays
Culture explains every part of a person’s life. It is the knowledge and characteristics of a particular group of individuals, defined by factors such as religion, language, social habits, cuisine, music, and arts. The world is full of people that belong to different cultures but they are sometimes forced to relate and interact in various ways. The Americans and the Chinese are examples of people with different cultures as anthropologist Francis Hsu illustrates. Hessler shares the sentiments in his book titled Hassle`s River Town. The highly diverse cultures of the Americans and Chinese influence their unique way of life, principles, views, and perception of life.
Hassle`s River Town by Hessler (2013) presents a clear and insightful
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As Hessler describes, the students had similar thoughts regarding most issues, and their opinions were highly resolute. In the eyes of Hessler, it could seem like they were brainwashed, but when he compares to the past, he realizes they were free and reasoned with due diligence (Hessler 23). It was also surprising how they could communicate to Hessler indirectly through their writings, indicating that they were eager to learn and used all means to communicate their messages (Hessler 25). China’s learning environment is also demanding and highly competitive, and the students’ expectations are equally high, which makes them strive hard to realize their fullest potential. Besides, unlike in the United States, the students in China do not have the privilege of choosing their classes from a list of electives; instead, they are assigned according to their scores. Hence, the skills and abilities of students in America determine their progress; but in China, their parents and the society decide their future. This difference is what Francis Hsu describes when he looks at the cultural distinctions between the Americans and the

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