Most people get glaucoma because of a buildup of pressure inside the eye. Glaucoma can be inherited meaning it runs in the family. And may not show up until later in life. According to WebMD the “increased pressure called intraocular can damage the optic nerve which transmits images to your brain”. Causing you to have vision problems. It is good to check your eyes before the age of 40, every couple of years. From age 40 to 54, every one to three years. And after age 65, every six to 12 months. The most common type of glaucoma is open angle glaucoma. Open angle glaucoma most of the time has no symptoms other than slow vision loss so it's hard to detect the problem. Another common type of glaucoma is angle closure although it is very rare as a medical emergency, its symptoms include eye pain, sudden visual disturbance and nausea. You may also experience redness in the eye, eye that looks hazy and narrow vision. Glaucoma can affect the nervous system because the eye is too strong to pop instead, it gives in at the weakest point which is mostly the site in the selera. Causing the optic nerve to leave the eye which is apart of the nervous system.With glaucoma a person might go through “low vision”. Meaning it would be hard for them to do daily activities as a person without glaucoma would. Even if you are using glasses or contact lenses. You can lose contrast sensitivity, meaning the ability to see certain shades and color in objects. The best thing for glaucoma is the standard surgery, trabeculectomy with mitimycin C. mostly the procedure takes about 45 minutes. It takes about 6 to 8 weeks to recovery. The person's life should return back to normal and become easier. It is certain to use goggles when swimming to protect your eye. If you want to prevent getting glaucoma the best thing for you to do is get regular eye care/ examination done to your eyes ,wear eye protection and take eye drops regularly. For the lower eye a medicine called Beta Blockers works by reducing aqueous humor production and it also decreases the rate where the fluid flows into the eye. There are other medicines such as miotics,and prostaglandin analogs. Interview with michelle Me: How do you feel about having glaucoma? …show more content…
Michelle: I don't dwell on it because it is painless and mines is currently under control
Me: How can i prevent from losing my vision?
Michelle: Regular eye exams can help your ophthalmologist diagnose the disease way before it gets out of hand.
Me: Which glaucoma were you diagnosed with?
Michelle: Open angle glaucoma
Me: Whats the difference between open angle glaucoma and angle closure glaucoma?
Michelle: The open angle glaucoma is where the iris and cornea meet. And angle closure glaucoma is where the iris and cornea becomes blocked.
Me: Can young people get glaucoma or do it come with a certain age limit?
Michelle: It's more common for people 40 years and over ad leading to blindness for many people over 60
Me: If i have glaucoma what are the first signs of it?
Michelle: In most cases there are no early symptoms or warning signs.
Me: is glaucoma hereditary?
Michelle: it can be
Me: do glaucoma affect one or both eyes
Michelle: the most common type of glucose which is open angle glaucoma affects both eyes
Me: well that's all i need thank you for your time and have a nice day.
Michelle: You're welcome it was nice talking to you Lymphoma cancer is a cancer that starts in the cells that are apart of your body immune system, which can affect most of your treatment options. The