Gender Inequality In The 1920's

Superior Essays
Gender Inequality
Over the years, we have observed a slow change being made towards to the portrayal of respect being equally distributed towards both gender. As time changes, the views of the society has gradually changed on how women are being portrayed in the world we live today. As Tuchman stated, “For our society, like any other society must pass on its social heritage from one generation to the next” (41). One can agree with this statement, it is to be known that any cultural value, it is to be passed on from one generation to the next, however implementing that women from the past were to stay home, look after their families, providing respect for the man of their household, and so on. As Sellnow mentions, “range from cooking, cleaning,
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A large number of women, especially women from the late twentieth century and early twenty-first century, they had inadequate access to receiving an education, the opportunity to work, were expected to get married at a very young age and have children. They would have to make sure to have equal time to be spend during their twenty-four hour time slot to provide necessary needs for the family such as cooking, taking care of their children, or the children of the others, husbands, and so on. In the late 1920s, only “twenty-four percent” of the adult women were in the job market and were not married. After a few years later, “over half” of women from all ages between “the ages of eighteen and sixty-four” were in the job market, some married, and with children (Tuchman, 41). When women started to work, it was a major revolution to be taken into consideration, it was only for women but including their families as well (Tuchman, 41). For example, there have been research found on the statistics in the United States of America, which prove what women face through in …show more content…
This research paper illustrates the portrayal of women is today’s society. It was as always women were to be measured one step down compared to the men. In other words, women are not to be considered as equal as men. However, men and women cannot be compared in terms of biological aspects, such as the reproductive system. In addition, the stamina level cannot be compared between a men and women. It is important to understand the definition of gender equality, “the state in which access to rights or opportunities is unaffected by gender” (Oxford Dictionary). In the twenty-first century, women are not being forced to follow traditions, they are able to get any education as per their aspiration, nevertheless of the higher level of education a women is to achieve, she will yet to “earn less money than men over a lifetime at every level of education”, and increase their social network (Ramdas and Janus, 37). The idea of women being portrayed as slaves to men, emotionally and physically weak has progressively transformed over the years. The force of women is yet to grow stronger as there is plenty of room for development in today’s

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