Foreshadowing In Of Mice And Men

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"… And leaves us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy!" (To a Mouse, Burns). In the book, Of Mice and Men, John Steinbeck tells a short but powerful story about two men who adventure around together who always seem to have to escape from trouble that follows them. All throughout Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck foreshadows the dominance of the characters, what the characters desire, and the conflicts they face.
"Of Mice and Men", the title of the story has a little bit more meaning than you think. If you go below the surface and think a little harder, it makes perfect sense. Of Mice and Men, man is more dominant over mice. The title represents the characters. George is the Man (men) and Lennie is the Mouse (mice). In Robert Burns poem "To a Mouse", it tells a short story of a farmer who plans on killing the mouse. "The best laid schemes of mice and men go often askew, and leaves us nothing but grief and pain, for promised joy"(Burns). In the story, George and Lennie made plans to go on after they quit their jobs at the ranch and live on their own land happily but in the end, Lennie is shot and
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They dreamt that after they quit their jobs that they would have their own home and land with animals. When talking about their dream in the bunkhouse, a man named Candy overhears and asks George and Lennie if he can go with them when they decide to go through with it. George was hesitant at first but eventually said yes to Candy, allowing him to go with him and Lennie. Of course, that would never come to be. When George went into town, Lennie stayed at the ranch. Lennie wanders into Crooks bunk, and they start conversing. Crooks says to Lennie that every guy that comes in to work at the ranch dreams the same things they dream of. Crooks was right about everything in the end because it never happens due to Lennie's death. After that, I'm assuming that George wouldn't want to go on to live out his and Lennie's dream without

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