Quantitative, qualitative, psychological, and social, these can vary in levels of severity as well, such as inadequate stock of food, to going a day or more with out food; actual hunger. Within the qualitative domain, this is measuring the range of severity. Psychological domain focus’ on the knowledge of the food situation. This would be represented by having anxiety or worry about providing a healthy meal option. Social domain refers to how socially unacceptable it is to use food pantries, asking other for help, or having to access food by other socially unacceptable means. With this also being said this is where people have to step out of their social norms which can be quite hard for independent
Quantitative, qualitative, psychological, and social, these can vary in levels of severity as well, such as inadequate stock of food, to going a day or more with out food; actual hunger. Within the qualitative domain, this is measuring the range of severity. Psychological domain focus’ on the knowledge of the food situation. This would be represented by having anxiety or worry about providing a healthy meal option. Social domain refers to how socially unacceptable it is to use food pantries, asking other for help, or having to access food by other socially unacceptable means. With this also being said this is where people have to step out of their social norms which can be quite hard for independent