The programs were initiated between 1933 and 1938. The first New Deal program began as soon as FDR took office. A couple of the New Deal programs included the Wagner Act, Works Progress Administration (WPA), Federal Emergency Relief Administration (FERA), Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC), Social Security Administration (SS), National Recovery Act (NRA), Public Works Administration (PWA), Fair Labor Standards Act, …show more content…
However, in the end, the New Deal helped the country massively and was quite successful. The banks and stock market were controlled, the programs created a million of jobs helping those in debt and those who were broke, and the new recreation of public works helped structure the United States. Not to mention how many industries changed... workers were soon guaranteed the right to join a Union and the working conditions changed for the better. This was only the beginning of the list stating how much the New Deal helped. Without FDR going in and taking action with creating these programs, America might of still been in that depression to this