Explain Why Was Andrew Jackson A Bad Man

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Andrew Jackson: a heavy drinker, gambler, Indian exterminator, racist, and slaveowner. Some say he was a man who “had been born with gunpowder spicing his blood”, and that is a true statement for he had an extremely bad temper and often demonstrated savage behavior in duels and politics. Some historians argue he was a frontiersman, a man of the people, and the inventor of democracy, but they are only examining the surface of his political practices and actions. In truth, Andrew Jackson’s monarchical rule, and most of all, his Indian Removal Act of 1830 prove that he was a bad, bad man.
Before looking at Andrew Jackson as the seventh president, it is important to look at his role in history prior to the 1828 election. During the War of 1812,
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He thought that the foreign influences on the Bank were wrong and that the Bank hurt “the little guy” though his claims were incorrect. The Supreme Court had ruled the National Bank constitutional, for it was necessary and served the purpose of regulating currency and keeping little banks in check. Being the man that he was, Jackson vetoed the proposal to recharter the Bank. Losing the bank lead to an economic depression, and therefore, Jackson ended up hurting the people he wanted to “help”. As a result, Andrew Jackson was more powerful than the Supreme Court and Congress, which proves he was a monarchical president. Congress censured Jackson’s veto of the bank, which only reinforces the fact that Jackson did things for his own good and needed to be kept in …show more content…
Jackson’s strongest conviction was that Native Americans would not become civilized, and although many other people of that time agreed, these opinions should not have given him popularity. “He shared the white Tennessean’s common opinion of Indians. As he saw it they were the festering sore that afflicted the settlers and limited the colonization of this great land, the progress of this newest and best nation on Earth, man’s hope for freedom from kings and dukes and tyrants and priests…” Jackson wrongly encouraged views of Native Americans like those above, showing that he was a strong racist. Moreover, “Cherokee: a blob of forests, burnt-off fields, and raging streams with savages robbing travelers and, often enough, torturing them to death. That was Cherokee to him.” However, Cherokee had settled down, learned to farm, and did, in fact, live what whites would call “civilized lives”. Again, this shows Jackson was a liar, racist, and corruptly gained popularity by spreading such statements, all which are qualities of a bad

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