Hawthorne reveals how corruptive the patriarchy is through his development of Chillingworth. In the beginning of the novel, Hester is pressed by Chillingworth to reveal who Pearl’s father is. During the interview, Hester mentions how she was essentially …show more content…
In the beginning of the novel, Hester apparently becomes more resigned to her fate. The narrator speculates on Hester’s apparent resignation by stating, “Yet, had little Pearl never come to her from the spiritual world, it might have been far from otherwise. Then, she might have come down to us in history, hand in hand with Ann Hutchinson, as the foundress of a religious sect… She might, and not improbably would, have suffered death from the stern tribunals of the period, for attempting to undermine the foundations of the Puritan establishment” (Hawthorne 113). Tassi writes the most on the comparison between Hutchinson and Hester. She states, “The Scarlet Letter gives full expression to the very qualities in Hutchinson that both attracted and repelled Hawthorne: an explosive mix of sexual and intellectual traits that overthrew traditional limits imposed on women” (28). Elbert takes a more untraditional stance on this topic. She argues that Hester’s motherhood aids her in defying the patriarchal society by raising Pearl to become the scarlet letter itself (181-82). It is very clear that Hawthorne compares Hester to Hutchinson. Both of them defied male authority, lived in isolation from society, and were rejected by society before and after their deaths. When Hawthorne compares Hester to Hutchinson, he is revealing his hopes for a revolution in the social structure. However, he also displays his belief that it cannot happen. Motherhood is an aspect to women that will never cease to exist. It is because of Hester’s motherhood that she is unable to defy the patriarchal social system and become a full revolutionary as Hutchinson was. Hawthorne is stating that because women will always have to take on the role of mothers, they will be unable to join and revolutionize the social system. Furthermore, the social system would never allow such a revolution to take