Hand-In Assignment 3
1. Using the course materials and online resources, explain the difference between the Sarbanes-Oxley Act and the Dodd-Frank Act. What does each act hope to achieve?
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act set new and expanded current requirements for public company boards, management and public accounting.
2. Explain the difference between white-collar crime and common law crime. Give an example of each type of crime.
A white-collar crime is generally considered business crime in which involves getting some sort of gain while common law crime is prohibited and punished by a government. A white collar law could be a bribery of a computer company paying a store to sell more of their computers and less of the completer’s computers. An example of a common law crime could be if someone went into a bank and held up the bank until they were given a certain amount of money.
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Using the course materials and online resources, locate a Pennsylvania criminal law. What is the relevant mental state and act within the crime? Is the crime a misdemeanor or felony?
4. Go to the following website:
Go to “Docket Sheets””Magisterial District Court”Search Type “Participant Name”Enter “First Name” “Last Name,” and “Allegheny County”
Search someone you know (or, if you do not know a person, enter a random name) who has been charged with a crime in Allegheny County. List the offense(s) for which the person was charged (no need to provide the individual’s name).
Driving W/O a License, Reckless Driving
5. Per the video lecture for the week, provide the “10 Rules for Dealing with Police.”
a. Always be calm and cool
b. You have the right to remain silent
c. You have the right to refuse searches
d. Don’t get tricked
e. Determine if you’re free to go
f. Don’t expose yourself
g. Don’t