Dexter Crime Theory

Superior Essays
Throughout history there have been numerous explanations that try to determine why individuals or groups engage in criminal activity. Criminology is used to understand the causes of criminal behavior on both the social and the individual levels. There are many theories within criminology that are used by criminologists to explain what causes individuals and groups to commit crimes, as well as how to prevent them from doing so. One of main focuses of criminology is to understand the social influences that shape criminal behavior. Many popular images of crime portray explanations behind the motivations of criminal behavior. In the television show Dexter, the main character Dexter is a blood splatter analyst for the Miami police department who …show more content…
He proposed that the people whom individuals associate with shape and influence their behaviors. Sutherland was reacting to biological explanations, as well as strain and social disorganization theories. This theory poses an explanation for individuals and according to this theory, “criminal behavior is learned” (Sutherland 224). Sutherland proposes that criminal behavior is not something that is inherited at birth but rather it is a characteristic that individuals learn through interaction and association with other people. This theory takes a more positivist approach and it proposes that a criminal act occurs when a situation appropriate for it, as defined by the person, is present” (Sutherland …show more content…
Dexter believes that by killing murderers who have killed innocent people, he is doing the world a favor. If he kills murderers whom the police have not caught then, that murderer will never have the opportunity to attack an innocent person ever again. “Most studies find that crime is more likely when its costs are seen as low and its benefits as high” (Cornish and Clarke). Since Dexter learned how to kill from his stepfather, he never really worries about being caught by police. Before he murders someone he carefully decides who to hunt and kill, usually by researching or stalking them, to be completely positive that the person he’s targeting is a murderer. It is also interesting to note that Dexter decides to kill these individuals instead of turning them over to the police. He receives the greatest pleasure by killing them as opposed to just having them be arrested with the possibility of being

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