Decriminalization Of Recreational Drugs Essay

Superior Essays
The Global Commission on Drug Policy recommended that recreational drugs be decriminalized in 2011. According to the Global Commission’s report, the war on drugs, as coined by Pres. Nixon, has been ineffective and has actually harmed those it strove to protect. The recommendations of decriminalization are given in hopes to alleviate the problems current drug policy does not adequately address. Many social problems have arisen from the drug war and the policies it has caused. Recreational drugs such as marijuana, should be legalized and regulated. The legalization of marijuana within the United States and other countries of the world has illustrated that legalization of recreational drugs would help solve the problems created by the drug war …show more content…
The focus of the drug war has been very lopsided. It is lopsided mainly in that the focus of the drug war has been to eradicate illegal drugs, but not to use science and technology to investigate how the drugs could actually be helpful. Because less developed countries lack the infrastructure required under the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) laws, these countries have woefully small supplies of narcotic pain relief available. The INCB was spurred from the implementation of the drug war. …show more content…
Legalization of drugs would improve quality of life here in the United States as well as around the world. Also, treatment of drug addicts would become better, the drug industry would suffer and diminish in power, and last but not least, non-violent drug users would have a better chance of being granted parole from prison and they could have a chance to start their lives again. The Global Commission’s recommendation of the legalization of marijuana and other recreational drugs would have several benefits, and is the wisest course of action at this current

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