Comparing The American Dream In The Great Gatsby, Of Mice And Men

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When thinking of the American Dream, what is the first thing that comes to mind? Many people have a dream and that dream is called the American Dream. These three literature pieces have multiple things in common, but they all surround themselves with the American Dream. The Great Gatsby, The Crucible, and Of Mice and Men are all American Literature novels that portray the American Dream. In The Great Gatsby a guy named Jay Gatsby had a dream that he would end up with the love of his life. Jay grew up as a poor little boy, he also had a dream of not being poor for the rest of his life, and “The yacht represented all the beauty and glamour in the world. I suppose he smiled at Cody — he had probably discovered that people liked him when he …show more content…
Just like in The Great Gatsby, these characters all have a dream, but that dream will never come true. “I cannot sleep for dreamin'; I cannot dream but I wake and walk about the house as though I'd find you comin' through some door.” (Act I Line 23). Abigail is talking to John Proctor, she wants to start the affair again, but Proctor does not want to. John proctor is a man who had an affair with Abigail, but he learned from his mistakes and now Abigail is getting even. Abigail’s American Dream is to kill John Proctors wife,”She thinks to dance with me on my wife's grave! And well she might, for I thought of her softly. God help me, I lusted, and there is a promise in such sweat. But it is a whore's vengeance, and you must see it.”(Act III Line 110). In the play, Abigail lied to everyone and tried to make Elizabeth Proctor get hanged for crimes she did not commit. Abigail Williams American Dream was shattered at the end of the book because John Proctor ends up getting hanged. Her dream died the moment she started telling the lies. Parris American Dream is to be the minister of the church, in the last five years there has been three other ministers. He says,“There is either obedience or the church will burn like Hell is burning!”(Act I Line 30). Parris does not want the church to put him out, he will burn down the church. He wants everyone to follow him and god. In The Crucible …show more content…
Multiple characters have a dream, the American Dream, one of those characters is named Curleys wife. Curleys wife American Dream was to become an actress, “He says I could go with that show. But my ol' lady wouldn' let me. She says because I was on'y fifteen. But the guy says I coulda. If I'd went, I wouldn't be livin' like this, you bet." (5.34). Curleys wife could have been living it up in the big world, but her mom would not let her. Curleys wife has resented her mom because she believes that she is in this predicament because her mom would not let her go. George and Lennie had a dream to live on their own farm, it was a dream that would never happened, “We’d jus' live there. We'd belong there. There wouldn't be no more runnin' round the country and gettin' fed by a Jap cook. No, sir, we'd have our own place where we belonged and not sleep in no bunk house." (3.203). That dream was never going to become a reality because George knew that Lennie would eventually mess up and ruin it for the both of them. George’s American Dream was slightly different, “If we can get jus' a few dollars in the poke we'll shove off and go up the American River and pan gold. We can make maybe a couple of dollars a day there, and we might hit a pocket." (2.166). George would have just settled for going to the country and trying to

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