Comparing Bradstreet And Edwards Sinners In The Hands Of An Angry God

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There is no exception that tone is an important factor in the differences between Bradstreet and Edwards writings, although, Bradstreet gives off a more passionate tone while Edward gives off an more threatening one. Bradstreet is more of an compassionate author who thinks that God should be more affectionate. In the poem “To My Dear and Loving husband” Bradstreet says, “I prize thy love more than whole mines of gold, Or all the riches that the East doth hold” (Line 5-7). This gives off a idea to the reader by implying how much she loves her husband showing that no amount of money can ever get in the way of Bradstreet loving her husband. On the other hand, Edward is an aggressive author who believes that God could cause destruction if he really wanted to. In paragraph three of the story“Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God” Edwards says, …show more content…
He’s giving off an threatening tone because he expresses that the pit of Hell is opened and is ready to take any victims. In conclusion, Bradstreet and Edwards writings vary many different ways in tone ranging from one person being affectionate to the other being threatening, but they both also have differences in their religious views. God is no doubt an important role in Puritan religion and in the differences of Bradstreet and Edwards writings. Bradstreet reflected on God more in a good way while Edwards did it in a more fierce one. On the third stanza of the story “Upon the Burning of our House”

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