Mesopotamian gods were unpredictable, and humans only lived once, with no afterlife. The Egyptians however, had a more positive intake. Their gods gave humanity wisdom and justice, although they were harsh too. Egyptians also believed in an afterlife that everyone could look forward to.…
Mesopotamia is a civilization with a variety of cultures and unique religion, sacred writings, and distinct system of laws. The first two documents explain about some of the religion followed in Mesopotamia. In document one it explains how the Sumerians and Akkadians practiced polytheism. The believed if the gods were happy they would be well but if the gods were treated poorly the gods would get angry and bring suffering and disaster.…
However, since Egypt was self sufficient in their natural resources, such as papyrus which was used for writing and metals whereas Mesopotamia, lacked natural resources and had to interact with civilizations to trade for goods, Egypt ended up not interacting with civilizations because of this, resulting in…
The rise of the early civilization in different regions is extremely diverse. Although some regions share similarities, they share many differentiations as well. From regions such as small farming settlements to full-blown states, there are many factors that can be compared as well as very different from one another. Specifically, Mesopotamia and Egypt share many components that are similar as well as different. Factors such as the environment, subsistence, trade/exchange, technology and social organization are major aspects that can be analyzed.…
There are several similarities seen between Mesopotamia and Egyptian societies. Both societies actively engaged in agricultural development. Although, Mesopotamians employed irrigation methods, to sustain adequate crops, due to dry land and unpredictable flood regions. In contrast, the Nile River was predictable in its flooding, which not only irrigated the crops, but also supplied rich nutrients, a boon for the Egyptians. Another similarity is the technology of writings.…
Mesopotamia “Land of rivers” is the name of the Euphrates- Tigris river system. The Mesopotamian religion was the first recorded religion. Their religion was Polytheistic and Enlil, the god of air, was believed to be the most powerful god. For religious worship, Mesopotamians sang and danced in their homes and market places to songs originally written for the gods. A cultural expression and social activity ancient Mesopotamians participated in was monthly rituals and festivals where they relied on the moon to determine the theme for the month.…
The role of Major Rivers: The Developments of the Early Egyptian and Mesopotamian Civilisations The lands of Egypt, in northeast Africa, and Mesopotamia, in modern-day Iraq, were the homes to two of the earliest civilisations in human history, both of which developed around major rivers. Egypt created a prosperous empire along the thin strip of the Nile River which lasted for thousands of years. Mesopotamia was situated between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers and saw a number of different empires emerge and disappear spanning over roughly a 4,000 year period. Both societies relied a great deal on these rivers and over time, they were able to establish effective agricultural systems.…
This extremeness could also be due to their government system. While the Egyptian Pharaohs controlled over one land mass single handed, the Mesopotamians had a city-state system, making it difficult for each area to be on the same boat. This system could be what led to the fall and separation of the Mesopotamia region. In short, the Mesopotamian and Egyptian civilizations were very different. Despite their proximity and similar beginnings and influences, each culture provides us with varied insights as to how life was lived during ancient times.…
Because Egypt was the “gift of the Nile” and generally prosperous and harmonious, Egyptian gods tended to reflect a positive religion with an emphasis on a positive afterlife. This would only change late in the New Kingdom as the fortunes of Egypt changed. The most popular god, Osiris, was also the law giver as well as the custodian of the world of the dead. In contrast, Mesopotamian religion was bleak and gloomy.…
Egyptians were very similar, yet very different from the Mesopotamians. They viewed their lives optimistically and experienced great advantages from the Nile River. Egyptians were very unique when it came to making art, they had an elegant style and exquisite architecture skills that enhanced many works of art that to this very day can never be replaced or forgotten. They strongly believed in the afterlife as well, but their view on this afterlife was different from others for they believed it was just a continuation of the life they had already known and that it would only be greater and more prosperous, while others like the Mesopotamians believed it was sort of an escape from…
They were more preservative of gender equality. Egyptians religion gave great respect to females. Just as the people from Mesopotamian…
Both civilizations made advances in sciences, specifically math and astronomy. The Egyptians developed the clock, and the calendar, while the Mesopotamians. They also had social classes, with the priests and landowners at the top, and peasants and slaves at the bottom. Mesopotamia and Egypt, though geographically in different areas, had many similarities in their way of…
In both Mayan and Egyptian cultures religion played a big role in their everyday lives. In their cultures they both believed in many god who influenced different things meaning that they were Polytheistic. Both the cultures worshipped their kings who were at the top of their social classes as if they were kings. Although they were very similar in these ways they did have some differences. The Egyptians built pyramids for tombs for their kings, but the Mayans built their pyramids for the Gods they believed in not for the kings.…
When comparing the Mesopotamians and the Egyptians, it is noticed that the two civilizations held many similarities in their daily lives, yet each viewed the world in very contrasting ways. The Mesopotamian Civilization was located between the Tigris and Euphrates Rivers. Mesopotamia is the namesake…
The Sumerians were ruled under a Theocracy which is when a priest portrays to be the god. Around 2100 BCE dynasties arose under the rule of Sargon I. Saron was the leader of Mesopotamia and the Sumerians. In summary, The Egyptians and Sumerians shared characteristics along with some noticeable differences. Both of these great civilizations had similarities in their religion and location, specific development in their political aspect, along with who their leaders were. The Egyptians and Sumerians are both polytheistic, established near rivers and ruled by some type of god.…