Bystanders were plain people who played it safe and didn't want to get arrested.
As private citizens, they complied with the laws and tried to avoid the terrorizing activities of the Nazi regime. II. Children were the main targets in this tragic period.
During the Holocaust, children were subjected to many suckish cruelties.
At first, Jewish and Gypsy children were restricted from going to school, and German children were taught that the Jews and Gypsies were racially inferior. III. The Allies destroyed the concentration camps in 1945 and became unwilling witnesses to the horror.
Allied troops, physicians, and relief workers tried to …show more content…
Hitler created a world of terror that was maintained by force.
The National Socialist German Workers' Party or NSDAP, known as the Nazi Party, controlled Germany from 1933 to 45.
Millions were murdered in attacks by the Gestapo, the SA, and the SS, in mass killings of the Einsatzgruppen, in and around Nazi concentration, and later death camps.
V. Rescuers, by hiding victims in attics or by helping them to escape to other countries, saved many who would have suffered.
Rescuers are those who, at great personal risk, actively helped members of persecuted groups, primarily Jews, during the Holocaust in defiance of Third Reich policy.
They were ordinary people who became extraordinary people because they acted in accordance with their own belief systems while living in an immoral society.
VI. Resistance took many forms, from individual acts to organized armed resistance against them.
As fear and terror became everyday truths for many Europeans during the Holocaust, standards of daily reality changed dramatically.
In the period between WWI and WWII there were many political parties competing for power in Germany.
VII. Survivors relate their thoughts about living through a terrible period of human