These "Bystanders" range widely from the Allied government and neutral countries to religious institutions and Jewish organizations. Being a bystander is sometimes the benefit of the whole experience. In the After Auschwitz story, it pointed out, " I speak to you as a man who 50 years and nine days ago had no name, no hope, no future and was known only by his number, A7713." By being a bystander in a concentration camp, it helps many people because you have a story to tell to the world. This speech By Elie Wiesel has able to help inform and help others remember the pain and sorrow many Jews and others went through. Being able to tell this speech gives hope to bystanders to do so much more than sit around , it gives them an opportunity make sure this appalling event never happens again and remember for the future. Even there in the action, but not doing anything may be even a bigger help than doing something. What it mean by that statement is that simply just as much as just gathering information is a lot more than just doing nothing. By colloecting information, it can help create a solution or compromise for the events happening In Maus on page 44 "peeh- the chicken was to dry . Come, we'll talk better in the living room...", "please pop I don’t want to hear about this again lets get back to your story ". By Artie experiencing this fight between his dad and Mala it allowed him to stop the
These "Bystanders" range widely from the Allied government and neutral countries to religious institutions and Jewish organizations. Being a bystander is sometimes the benefit of the whole experience. In the After Auschwitz story, it pointed out, " I speak to you as a man who 50 years and nine days ago had no name, no hope, no future and was known only by his number, A7713." By being a bystander in a concentration camp, it helps many people because you have a story to tell to the world. This speech By Elie Wiesel has able to help inform and help others remember the pain and sorrow many Jews and others went through. Being able to tell this speech gives hope to bystanders to do so much more than sit around , it gives them an opportunity make sure this appalling event never happens again and remember for the future. Even there in the action, but not doing anything may be even a bigger help than doing something. What it mean by that statement is that simply just as much as just gathering information is a lot more than just doing nothing. By colloecting information, it can help create a solution or compromise for the events happening In Maus on page 44 "peeh- the chicken was to dry . Come, we'll talk better in the living room...", "please pop I don’t want to hear about this again lets get back to your story ". By Artie experiencing this fight between his dad and Mala it allowed him to stop the