Chesapeake Vs English Colonies Dbq

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Colonists from England came to settle in America to live out what they thought to be right. The people all from the English origin happened to have different desires. Therefore, New England and the Chesapeake region became distinct from one another due to the fact that the societies had different economic motives, ideas, and geography in the region amongst one another.

One distinct difference between New England and the Chesapeake were their economic ideas. The English settlers formed a colony in New England to practice religion that they thought was right in their eyes. In Document 4 it states, “We intend by God’s grade, as soon as we can, with all convenient speed, to procure some Godly and faithful minister with whom we purpose to join in church covenant to walk in all the ways of Christ.” This differs from the Chesapeake because the quote shows that the English settlers came to New
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The Chesapeake was full of colonist that had a selfish desire for receiving gold. All the English colonists cared for was finding gold, in order to be more successful financially. Document 5 states, “The worst with their golden promises made

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