This writer thinks the first major event that leads to the Catholic Reformation was the Protestant Reformation. The Protestant Reformation started by Luther questioned doctrine, and the practices of the Church. During that time many educated Catholics wanted change the perceived wrongful practices performed by the Church. Furthermore, with the many questions raised and printed by Martin Luther and the printing of the Bible in modern languages such as German and Greek, other than the current Biblical language Latin used by the Church. If one today seeing the art and read the stories of the time one can seem it was a dismal time in history. Also, there were also the cultural influences of the Christian Crusades, The Black Death (Bubonic Plague), Hundred Years’ War, and the Fall of …show more content…
There were groups and individuals outside the Church that opposed Church doctrine and were judged by the Inquisition to be burned at the stake. Huss, Savonarola are a couple of named individuals that spoke out against the Church on auricular confession, purgatory, pilgrimages, worship of saints, relics. Both Huss and Savonarola were judged to be heretics and were burned at the stake. The Protestant Reformation stared by Luther questioned doctrine, and the practices of the Church. Also, the disclosure of the deceitful, wrongful practices of the Church of that time, by Luther caused many parishioners to leave the Church. With the departure of parishioners caused the Church to scramble because of the loss of parishioners equals loss of money coming into the Church. It also affected the power and influence of the Church in everyone’s everyday activities that the Church had become accustomed to. This writer research created the opinion that the main reason for the Catholic Reformation is for control of people’s lives, money and political