Candide Theme Essay

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Throughout the story of “Candide” by Voltaire, there were development of one theme. The theme of this novel could be that it is not the best of all possible world, so people should improve and take action on the things they have to be able to live in a more productive and happy life. This is shown throughout the story where Candide faces through many challenges along his journey, and in the end saw that being productive in an enjoyable way takes away all the tiredness, evil behaviors and want. This is shown through all the hardship of Candide, Martin, Cacambo, Pangloss, the old woman and Cunegonde had gone through to finally realise. Throughout the story Voltaire prove the theme that this world isn’t perfect unless you try and change it.This can be seen in the lines,” Honestly James, forgetting the injury he had so lately received from him, flew to his assistance, and, with great difficulty, hauled him in again… a sudden jerk of the ship, thrown overboard himself, in sight of the very fellow whom he had risked his life to save and who took not the …show more content…
In chapter 18 it stated,”’ What!’ said Cacambo, ‘ have you no monk among you to dispute, to govern, to intrigue, and to burn people who are not of the same opinion with themselves?’ ‘ Do you take us for fools?’ said the old man. ‘Here we are all of one opinion, and know not what you mean by your monks.’” This line shows a comparison between El Dorado and European governments in El Dorado there is a ruler who didn’t need the type of government Europeans need. The people in El Dorado didn’t value objects as much as people living in Europe, which make the people greedy and ungrateful of the things they have which led them to think this world is imperfect since someone else has more than him/her. This prove the theme that is is imperfect since no one in the European society is really happy and would do anything immoral to get

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