Biological Explanation Of Schizophrenia Essay

Great Essays
When comparing and contrasting psychological and biological explanation of any condition much of the argument revolves around Nature vs. Nurture; the highly controversial argument of the cause and effect of every human behavior, disorder, condition or disease. A typical argument for Schizophrenia would be, “What causes Schizophrenia? Is it because of a patient’s critical and demeaning home-life or does the patient have a brain abnormality?” In this paper, I will compare and contrast both of these arguments. I will cover the psychological arguments and explanations in support of Schizophrenia, and I will cover the biological arguments and theories in Schizophrenia. I will also use personal examples of my own experiences with Schizophrenia to …show more content…
(Johnson, 2017) Researchers have suggested that maintaining a positive climate is more important for a Schizophrenic patient than finding out what caused it. (Johnson,
2017) “Schizophrenics returning to such a family were more likely to relapse into the disorder than those returning to a family low in EE(Emotional Expression). The rate of relapse was particularly high if returning to a high EE family was coupled with no medication.”
There is an issue with the Psychological explanation of Schizophrenia and it brings us back to the chicken and the egg debate. Mischler & Waxler (1968) found evidence to suggest
Mothers were more critical towards their daughters with a disorder than those who were seemingly normal. (Johnson, 2017) So we have to ask ourselves, in reference to that particular situation where the mother was more critical of a daughter that had a mental condition, was the negative climate the cause of the schizophrenia or was the schizophrenia the cause of the negative climate.
I have a personal situation in which Schizophrenia has directly affected my life. When

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