Beowulf Loyalty Essay

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Loyalty is a major and pervasive theme in Beowulf. This is because in the Anglo-Saxon culture loyalty was valued above many other qualities. Loyalty was such an important aspect in Anglo-Saxon life that it caused families to make difficult decisions between blood family and marriage family. The theme of loyalty is seen several different times in the Beowulf story. The theme of loyalty will be examined through the actions that Beowulf took in regards to defeating Grendel and Grendel’s mother, refusing the throne when given the option to take it, and Wiglaf’s actions when Beowulf fought the dragon. The first instance discussed to show Beowulf’s loyalty is when Beowulf repays a debt to Hrothgar and fights Grendel. The story goes that …show more content…
Furious and extremely upset over his loss, Hrothgar demands vengeance to be taken again Grendel’s mother—an eye or an eye or in this case, a body for a body. Beowulf, once again, proves his loyalty to Hrothgar and says he will avenge Aeschere’s death. Beowulf then goes out with his men and Hrothgar’s men to find Grendel’s mother. The group of men finally reach a horrendous swamp-like area and fearful, Hrothgar’s men turn away. Beowulf’s loyalty is proven because he dives into the swamp to kill Grendel’s battle. In another deciding battle, Beowulf defeats Grendel’s mother, but not after suffering some injuries. As a prize, Beowulf brings Grendel’s mother’s head back to …show more content…
Wiglaf was one of Beowulf’s men in Geatland. This time, someone stole a piece of treasure from a sleeping dragon’s cave and the dragon awakens. Enraged that the treasure has been stolen, the dragon goes on a rampage looking for the offender. The dragon spares no mercy and destroys village after village until he finally destroys Beowulf’s own hall with his fiery breath. Beowulf, old and tired, takes out his sword for the last time to fight the dragon and save his people. Beowulf takes eleven of his men, including Wiglaf, to find the dragon and kill him. Once they found the dragon, Beowulf’s men turn and hide out of fear. Beowulf, loyal as ever to his people, begins to attack the dragon but the dragon proves to be a challenge to defeat for the old Beowulf. Wiglaf notices that Beowulf has been caught in the dragon’s jaws and calls out to the other men to come help Beowulf. But alas, none but Wiglaf come to Beowulf’s aid. Wiglaf furnished with a wooden shield, which will certainly be destroyed by the dragon’s fierily breath shows his loyalty for Beowulf and comes out anyway. Wiglaf distracts the dragon enough for Beowulf to escape and deliver a final and fatal blow. Even in the face of death, Wiglaf shows where his loyalties

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