Atticus Finch Compassion

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Imagine living in a town with racial prejudice. Many wouldn’t be able to bear the discrimination and others would get overwhelmed. The father of two children not only has to model for his children but also show the way for others. Atticus Finch is a man that meets the criteria of a hero because he helps his children understand their society. In the book To Kill a Mocking bird, Tom Robinson’s trial was said to be hopeless and that Tom was going to lose anyway. Atticus was Open minded and gave Tom Robinson a fair trial even when everyone said it was pointless and when he was a dead man. He also gave his best effort to help Tom. Atticus’s compassion and open-mindedness help Tom Robinson have a fair trial.
One of the qualities Atticus demonstrates
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When scout had a fight with someone, Atticus tells her, “If you can learn a simple trick scout you’ll get along a lot better with all kinds of folks.” (Lee 30). Atticus saw that she was feeling down and helped her compassionately instead of just telling her something which wouldn’t help her at all. He wanted to tell her something which she could use all the time instead of something that can only help in one thing. This is what compassion does it makes one care about others and makes you help them to the best of ability instead of just saying irrelevant things. After Atticus got assigned the case of Tom Robinson, Scout asked him why ¬he took the case of Tom Robinson he said, “The main one is if I didn’t I couldn’t hold my head up in the town, I couldn’t represent this country in the legislature, I couldn’t even tell you or Jem not to do something again” (Lee 75). Even though Atticus didn’t want to take this case he took it and did the best he could. He tells a lot of people that he doesn’t want to but in the end he takes the case showing them that he can do what others can’t. He took the case out of compassion not out of pity. He not only cared about Tom Robinson but also gave him the best chance that he deserved while everyone else was too scared to stand up. Compassion helps Tom Robinson as well as Jem and Scout. Atticus helps Tom Robinson with his trial and his children to learn from their

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