Aristotle's Nichomachean Ethics: The Three Forms Of Friendship

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Aristotle's "Nichomachean Ethics" is filled with wisdom. He provides his views on what he believes is the different form of friendship. Aristotle claims that there are three forms of friendship. The three are friendships based on utility, pleasure, and good. Among those three there is one form of friendship that is best, and that is the friendship based on goodness. According to Aristotle, the friendship based on a moral good is a perfect form of friendship that is enduring. However, his logic is highly based on assumption. These assumptions are not objective. Aristotle's views may be seen as useful and logical, but they were influenced by a large amount of subjective mental constructs, and that fact takes a good deal of credibility from his argument. In chapter eight of Aristotle's "Nicomachean Ethics" Aristotle focuses on talking about the subject of friendship. In the first chapter, Aristotle claims that friendship is needed among humans. He also claims that there are more than one kind of friendship and that people who disagree have a misguided mindset. He says they see these different forms of friendship as factions, and not entirely dissimilar …show more content…
Although he does not offer evidence for his assumptions, they are understandable to me, and his observations are comprehensible to me based off of my past experiences. I would not say they are genuinely logical because although they are understandable to me, they are not objective. He has a few premises for the perfect kind of friendship; the friendship based on goodness. He says that it is their nature to be good. Additionally, Aristotle means that they are both good without qualification, and wish each other goodwill for the others sake. Also, good people do activities that they find pleasant, and good people are likeminded. He concludes that this causes them to be perfect, pleasant and

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