Mrs. Ward
23 November 2014
The Deadly Disease
Have you ever heard of the deadly disease known as ALS? Do you know who discovered ALS? What is Lou Gehrig’s disease? What does ALS stand for? What are the symptoms, diagnosis, the treatments of ALS, do you know how many people get ALS, and how can you be involved help with ASL? If you do not know any of the following questions, this essay will answer all of the following.
, I will tell you who discovered ALS is and describe what ALS is. “ALS was first found by French neurologist Jean-Martin Charcot in 1869.”- ( ALS is a disorder that affects the function of nerves and muscles. This deadly disease that “affects the nerve cells in the brain and in the spinal cord. When neurons reach the brain and spinal cord it spreads to the muscles in your body from your feet to your head usually making a patient in the late stage of ALS paralyzed.”- (ALS ASSOCIATION) When the patient is in the late stage and paralyzed it is usually around the time when the patients start to end their fight for their life. “ALS is 20% more common in men than women.” ( This disease can be handed down by genetics it cannot physically spread from human to human like the flu, cold, strep, and ext. Second, I will tell you what ALS stands for. ALS stands for Amyotrophic, lateral, and sclerosis. In the word Amyotrophic the letter A in Greek mean without, the myo in Amyotrophic in Greek means muscle, the word trophic in Amyotrophic in Greek means nourishment, the word lateral in Greek means for side (spinal cord), and the word sclerosis in Greek means hardening or scarring. Next, did you know that ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease? The reason why ALS is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease is because; in 1939 an amazing Yankee baseball player Lou Gehrig was diagnosed with ALS, because of this disease Lou could never play baseball ever again.”Even though this disease made him unable to play baseball again the disease didn’t stop him from living. For a while he did some community work and helped the troubled youths.” (Unknown) Lou Gehrig died on June 2, 1941. Lou Gehrig is remembered as one of the most talented and kind hearted baseball player in World History. Lou Gehrig was known as an “American hero” for his amazing accomplishments in baseball. So finally everyone called ALS Lou Gehrig’s disease to remember the great American hero. Now, I will tell you the symptoms of ALS. “The earliest symptoms of ALS may include fasciculation, cramps, tight and stiff muscles, and weakness in your muscles affecting an arm, a leg, and ext.” ( When someone notices that their body parts can’t do normal tasks like they used to people start getting curious and worry if there’s any major damage done. After the disease settles in the muscles of the body, the disease goes to other parts of your body like your organs. When they go to the organs it will be harder for someone to breathe, eat, drink, and go to the bathroom by themselves. When the disease usually hits the lungs or the brain that’s when the disease usually wins the battle. The symptoms of …show more content…
There is no cure for ALS, but there is a drug called “Riluzole. Riluzole is known for reducing damage to motor neurons by decreasing the release of glutamate.” ( other treatments of ALS are designed to relieve symptoms and improve the life for the person with the disease. When the patient is unable to do stuff on their own, a nurse or health assistant will come to the patient’s home. The nurse or health assistant would provide care for the patient and the patient’s family. With the patient being unable to do his or her independent things, a nurse or health assistance is there to help the patient with whatever the patient needs. I believe an amazing way to treat ALS is to spend the last years, months, and days of your life happy and around your family and friends. Being with family members and friends will make the patient more comfortable knowing that they have the