Of all of the battles in the American Civil War, none other amounted to the sheer casualties in the one day that was the Battle of Antietam. With a slew of mistakes by both Generals, the terrain was disadvantageous to both sides, the Union didn’t take advantage of the surplus of troops, General Lee’s battle plans were spread, and many other battlefield errors, this was the bloodiest single day in American history. The topics that are going to be covered are: A overview of the battle in general; The situation of both the Union and the Confederacy during the battle; The mission of both the Union and the Confederacy; how the battle was executed for both the Union and the Confederacy; some decision points that the generals of both parties that affected the outcome of the battle; whether or not the battle went as planned and what changed in the actual battle; How the generals adapted; how I would have approached and fought the battle as a general; what we can learn from this battle.
The battle of Antietam in the American civil war had casualties on both sides measuring up to more than 22,000 missing, wounded, or dead.…