Apostrophe To The Sea Analysis

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INTRO: During the Romantic Era, a lot of poets came alive with the newfound love of nature. George Gordon (Lord Byron) and Percy Bysshe Shelley are just two of the six poets that wrote poems about nature and what it meant to them. the introduction of “To the Skylark” by Shelley and “Apostrophe of the Sea” by Byron really made the Romantic period burst with literature. Although the poets are similar with some aspects, they have very different writing techniques and you can tell through their poems. (need to be exact: “voice”, form, and theme of nature.

FIRST: George Gordon Lord Byron was born in London, England on the 22nd of January in 1788. When he was born, his parents abandoned him because he had a deformed foot. Due to his parents
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This section of his poem is an apostropher, which is the poet addressing someone or something. which showed his deep love for country sides, rivers and mountains. This poem was written due to Gordon loving the ocean as a child and loved going there rain or shine. The theme of this poem is the love of the ocean or in other words, nature, of course due to the Romantic Era. The line that made me realize the theme was “I love not man the less, but nature more.” Here it shows that he was an outcast because he didn’t get along with a lot of people due to his differences. “And I have loved thee, ocean!” made the tone of the poem very compassionate and loving towards the ocean. Almost like a relationship, it was very sentimental and light­hearted. In “Apostrophe of the Ocean” contained an iambic pentameter followed by an Alexandrine. The literary devices in contained were hyperboles, metaphors, personification, and paradoxes towards the beauty of the ocean. An example of the metaphor is "Thy shores are empires..." Line 37, which is acting as if the shores are actual empires. The personification was very unhuman due to the man marking the earth with …show more content…
This poem reflects natural beauty showed in line 4­5 "Pourest thy full heart / In profuse strains of unpremeditated art." when the skylark sings its pure and natural songs, and also freedom that showed in line 14­15 "Thou dost float and run, / Like an unbodied joy whose race is just begun", which reflects back to when he struggled with authority. The poem shows that the speaker is jealous of the skylark, which is a bird, because it has more freedom than himself. It also contains metaphors comparing living objects in nature for example worms and roses, representing love, pain and sorrow. Another metaphor was contained in line 30 “The moon rains out her beams, and Heaven is overflow 'd” comparing the moonlight to the rain. Since no one knows where the bird gets its joy and happiness from it is confined to being inhuman. But the skylark continues its journey and doesn’t give up, just like Shelley never gave up writing. The poem shows the struggle of Shelley has towards intellectual knowledge and the stress of writing

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