School To Prison Pipeline Analysis

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According to the ACLU (May 2013) the School to Prison Pipeline refers to the policies and practices that funnel our nation’s students out of classrooms and into the juvenile and justice system. The pipeline is a reflection of the the priority of incarceration over education, and starts with inadequate resources in public schools. High stakes testing, over policing, and poor zero tolerance and suspension practices all perpetuate the pipeline. Al Jazeera America (2014) writes of the disparities between African-American and Latino youth in schools. Racial minorities appear to bear the brunt of zero-tolerance policies and out-of-school suspensions. Black youth are 16% of enrolled but 34% of expelled students as nationally an African American student is three times more likely to be suspended than their white counterparts. These systemic disparities also include quality of education. While African American and Hispanic students account for close to 40 percent of high school students, they constitute just 25% of students taking Advanced Placement courses and exams. They represent a mere 20% of enrollment in calculus classes however, just 68% of black students attend a high school that offers calculus. This illustrates a clear race bias in our educational system. According to Gloria Romero (January 2015) the government does not adequately fund education but designates too much money for correctional facilities. Since 1980 education spending in California has been decreased 13% while spending on prisons has increased 436%. While a single inmate costs the state $62,000 a year, the state only spends a mere $10,000 per student. Through budget cuts and the elimination of sports, art, and after school programs the nation’s schools are facing hard times. During this time however, the number of incarcerated persons in the United States has grown 700%. And while the United States has 5% of the world’s population, we also have 25% of the world’s incarcerated persons. That is about 716 prisoners per 100,000 people. Romero also writes that we do not adequately provide for this 25% either. 75% of incarcerated persons are illiterate, with less than 20% possessing a high school or equivalent degree. Another cause of the pipeline is thought to be standardized or high stakes testing. High stakes testing, in addition to laws such as No Child Left Behind incentivize schools to push out under performing students. In a 2010 report by the Advancement Project found both indirect and direct links between High Stakes and Standardized testing and high rates of student drop out. Often, students are retained in grades from poor test scores and more likely to drop out. Additionally, in test driven classrooms where teachers simply “teach the test”, students are likely to be bored and act out. This leads to increased suspension and dropout rates. High Stakes Testing are not indicative of student success. In reality, a far bigger predictor of student success is socioeconomic status. The American Civil Liberties Union (May 2013) also describes how zero tolerance policies push out students. Zero tolerance policies …show more content…
As we have seen with No Child Left Behind schools have incentive to push low performing students out. Due to lack of resources these low performing students are often students of color. Zero tolerance policies and unfair suspension policies targeting low income students cause this push out. Zero tolerance policies on drugs, weapons, truancy are all examples of how schools push out low performing students. While on the surface these rules seem fair, under these policies there is no case by case basis. Students can be expelled or suspended for bringing inhalers, aspirin, or nail clippers to school. Furthermore, in areas where students likely work part time it is unfair to police absent, late or truant …show more content…
In our current model, there is high levels of inequity regarding who gets to go to preschool. While this may seem petty, preschool is vital for developing vocabulary, and for establishing school routine and procedure. Furthermore, due to the shift in focus towards academic Kindergarten programs, preschool enrollment is essential and must be universal. Children who do not attend preschool are at risk for experiencing the “Matthew Effect. In reading, this is when students who do not make good initial progress in learning to read find it increasingly difficult to ever master the process. This also make language and reading development more

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