Analysis Of Ernie Pyle's Here Is Your War

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One of America’s most popular war correspondent in history was Ernie Pyle, an American journalist, who told stories of residents living in rural America. Later on, during World War II, Pyle shared insights into lives of the brave ordinary men fighting in the European and Pacific theatres. He would report from all branches of the military, from foot-soldiers to pilots. At the time, his convincing and vivid descriptions of war were talked about across the country. Pyle described the hardships and struggles each soldier would face everyday on the battlefield.
To begin with, Ernie Pyle was born on August 3, 1900, in Dana, Indiana. His parents, Will and Maria Pyle, who insisted, despite his dreams to enroll in the first world war, to continue his
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Pyle reveal detailed stories of men from all walks of life, across the United States, who learned how to fight in the war. All the while, writing the novel, Ernie saw the changes each men went through, and how it affected them permanently. Not just anyone could withstand what these soldiers went through. Ernie stated, “War had made them rougher, more profane, and prone to taking what they needed when and where they could find it” (Ernie’s War, 18). These men were machinelike, and did what needed to be done in order to protect their comrades or themselves from the enemy. But at what cost? When these men returned from the war they would experience psychological struggles that affected their daily lives greatly …show more content…
During the Pacific Theater, Pyle struggled reporting about the sailors of the United States Navy. There were many issues with using the names of sailors in his columns, but the policy was lifted only for him. Pyle found himself on the USS Cabot, an aircraft carrier carried the planes that would later bomb Japan’s inland. He found the sailors very friendly, they lived luxurious lives, compared to the average soldier on the ground fighting daily for their own life, they got good food, hot shower, and a clean bed at night. Even though, the work they did was hard with legitimate hours, but Pyle still found himself comparing the sailors to the infantrymen. He stated in his column, “The boys ask you a thousand time how this compares with the other side. I can only answer that this is much better” (Ernie’s War, 31). As he answered most understood his remark, but some did not. They become angry for being left out of the war, voicing their opinions of how they wished they were in a foxhole compared to this ship. After the column was released to the public, many were upset with Pyle. Frustrated, with how the Navy treated him, by censoring out names of the sailors, but once it was eventually lifted all went back to

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