During the novel, huck is kidnapped by his Pap. His Pap then takes him to a cabin in the woods and holds him hostage. Huck is abused by his pap and even acts as though he is used to it by saying, “He abused me a little for being so slow(p. 39).” Even though Huck is abused both verbally and physically, he does not conform …show more content…
This doesn't stop huck from conceiving the survival knowledge that he does, in fact it enhances it. Huck learns from his experiences with the Widow to stand up for himself while when living with Pap, he learns how to survive under abusive conditions and how to survive in the wilderness considering his pap was drunk all the time and huck had to supply himself with food and water. Huck, being influenced and around his pap all the time could have been detrimental to huck. Huck could have chosen the path of being an alcoholic but instead decides to remove himself from his harmful situation and take matters into his own hands using his survival skills he has developed.
In the book Huckleberry finn, it it is evident that there is a lot of alcoholism throughout Hucks adolescent stage of life. This brings out a possible theme that is, “ the choices others make do not have to deter the choices you make.” Huck demonstrates this throughout the novel by not conforming to his paps ways, by gaining mutual respect for the runaway slave, Jim, and learning how to survive despite his rough upbringing. The Novel Huckleberry Finn serves as way of learning from mistakes and to not follow in others footsteps but rather make your