After reviewing both podcasts “Coming out late in life complex but not unusual” and “Ethnicity, Race & Aging”; my initial thoughts were that aging is somewhat a complex mechanism. Aging is stage of life when someone feels alone and wants an increase in behaviors which are socially good. Social involvement at later stage of life is very important because feeling of helplessness and loneliness become severe when social activities of old age people are less. With the help of these podcasts, I also got an idea about the healthcare services for elderly people and how race and ethnicity impact the life of old people in a family. Different cultures have different family …show more content…
Similarly different ethnic groups have different concepts about aging and they have different social and ethical ideas for taking care of their old aged family members. These differences of race and ethnicity have great impact on physical health; mental health and social life of old age people. these podcasts also have develop my thoughts about impact of ethnicity, religious believes, cultural values, social values and racial concepts on life of people and working strategy of social workers. These podcasts have helped me to realize that social workers have to consider different cultural values, norms, ethnic ideas, and age of people while working in a diverse population.
2. As service providers, what ethical issues should be considered when working with diverse populations?
While working as a social worker for a diverse population, I must have to considered different ethical issues. I should know about my own cultural foundation/encounters, states of mind, values, and biases that may impact my capacity to help my