Discussion Board: Unit 8 Britton Lerch Due Date: October 17, 2015 Kaplan University MN501: Advanced Nursing Roles Dr. Dallred According to Hamric, Hanson, Tracy, and Grady (2014), in 2004 there was a conference held for the purpose “to develop a process for achieving consensus regarding the credentialing of APNs” (p. 34). The APRN Regulatory Model is important because according to Hamric et al. (2014) it “includes important definitions, the roles and titles to be used, and population foci” (p. 34).…
Advance Practice Registered Nurse (APRN) and a registered nurse (RN) are mandated to follow the regulations in their states of practice. In terms of regulations, an APRN has focused scope of practice which has limitation to practice, unlike the RNs with broad scope of practice (Hudspeth,2009). In the state of Texas, an APRN practices in areas beyond the scope of the RN, such as diagnosing and prescribing. For instance, once an APRN is educationally prepared as an acute care NP, the practice can only be acute and not primary care setting except further education is provided to practice in primary care setting, this believed, that the APAN does not have the didactic and clinical content to practice in a different area (Texas board of nurses…
Nurse practitioner reimbursement is a complex configuration that includes regulatory factors both at the state and federal levels. As late as 1990, direct Advanced Practice Registered Nurse’s (APRN) reimbursement by Medicare was available only in rural areas and skilled nursing facilities (1). In 1997, President Clinton instituted the Balance Budget Act that expanded the reimbursement for APRN’s to all geographical and clinical settings allowing the direct Medicare reimbursement to NP’s, but at 85% of the physician reimbursement rate (2). Although the expansion of nurse practitioners scope of practice was intended to meet the needs of a shortage of family physicians, it has left gaps in care for many of the most defenseless populations.…
The ANA outlines the measures, actions, and methods that comprehensively describe nearly every aspect of the practice of nursing (White & O’Sullivan, 2012, p. 11). In addition, due to the potential harm of a person that can result from untrained or incompetent nursing, all states have enacted rules and regulations that govern licensure of nurses. A nurse’s scope of practice is limited by their license as defined by law and includes specific educational requirements, clinical experience, and specific demonstrated competencies.…
The role of a nurse practitioner or a physician assistant can contribute greatly to any practice their skills are highly valued by physicians. If they were not of value physicians wouldn't feel the need to add them to their practice. While there are benefits to the care that they provide there are limitations that in comparison to a physician explains why nurse practitioners and physician assistants should remain under physician supervision. A survey in the American Journal of Nurse Practitioners concluded that more than half of the people analyzed stated that their NP programs both master's and certificate left them fairly equipped to practice (AAFP, n.d.).…
The National Academy of Medicine (formerly known as Institute of Medicine) is an independent association devoted to addressing important health care policy issues. The purpose of this organization is to inspire a positive change in health care for the benefit of the public (National Academy of Medicine, 2016). In 2010, it produced “Future of Nursing: Leading change and advancing health care”. It recognized a nurses’ role as critical to the fulfillment of the purpose of the Affordable Care Act. It was noted that all states do not utilize APRNs to the fullest degree of their abilities and education and limit their practice.…
Introduction Advanced practice registered nurses (APRN) are a vital part of the health system of the United States. APRNS are Master and post Masters level nurses providing care in specific roles for the patient population. APRNS are prepared by education and certification to assess, diagnose, and manage patient problems, order test, and prescribe medications. (National Council of State Boards of Nursing, n.d). Lyder (2012) discussed the growing need for an increased number of primary healthcare providers due to the shortage of primary care providers.…
APRNs are a highly respected and integral part of the healthcare system. They have the necessary knowledge and skills to care for patients in the absence of any other providers and can tremendously improve access to health care in rural areas of the jurisdiction. While most NPs practice in primary care, many NPs practice in a variety of healthcare settings, including hospitals, nursing facilities, clinics and private practices. By allowing NPs practice independently, it will allow patients direct access to the services. Therefore, Extending the ability of NPs to deliver services in more situations and more areas of the state.…
The United States Virgin Islands is one of four US territories. They have their own Board of Nursing, which determines requirements for licensure and defines scope of practice for registered nurses within the United States Virgin Islands in their Nurse Practice Act. It has been amended to include advanced practice registered nurses (APRN). This act, number 6736 of bill number 26-0028 which was added in 2005, gave Virgin Island APRN's the ability to treat patients to the partial extent of their practice. They may only practice under a written collaborative agreement with a physician in an active clinical practice.…
The scope of practice for APRNs consists of “parameters within which advanced practice nurses may legally practice”, defining “what they can do for and with patients, what they can delegate, and when collaboration with others is required.” 1 This scope of practices varies not only across APRN roles – CNS, CRNA, NP, CNM – but also across individual states.1 For the FNP specialty, scope of practice entails diagnosis and management of illnesses in the primary care setting for individuals across the lifespan. The three benchmarks of APRN practice and education are advanced practice nurse competencies, professional advanced practice registered nurse competencies, and Master’s and Doctor of Nursing Practice Essentials.2 APN competencies, which distinguish…
Licensing and Certification Requirements Since national certification through a Board-recognized certifying body is a condition for APRN licensure, it may be required inquire to verify that the chosen advanced practice nursing program of interest meets accreditation standards. The Ohio Board of Nursing maintains education requirements in line with the national APRN Consensus Model. Advanced practice nursing programs must include the following core courses: advanced pathophysiology, advanced health assessment, and advanced pharmacology in order to remain in compliance with the consensus model. The Consensus Model also requires that the program’s didactic and clinical study include the six main population foci: • Family/individual health…
Advanced Practice Nurse Leader Interview Project Health care restructuring in many countries has led to substantial increases in the different types and number of APN roles, and the demand is increasing rapidly. According to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP), Nurse Practitioners (NPs) have become the chosen health care provider of choice for millions of Americans, these including specialty populations (Quallich, 2015). According to the national organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (2012), upon completion of a nurse practitioner program, the graduate must possess core competencies in order to practice effectively, efficiently, and independently. The aim of this paper is to discuss issues influencing the introduction of advanced practice nursing (APN) and nine core competencies necessary for APN role development, provide a detailed description of the interview conducted with a Certified Nurse Practitioner (CNP) regarding core competencies.…
The Institute of Medicine (IOM) established in 1970 by the National Academy of sciences. This is a non-government Institution work independently. The IOM’s mission is to advance and distribute scientific knowledge to improve health. The Institute provides clear findings and recommendations about the issues raised to the authorities and public. The Institute of Medicine (IOM) has identified the problems in health care staff and recommended the solutions.…
A nurse practice act is designed to guide professional nurses in the regulations of their practice. The act defines the nurses scope of practice, educational and certification requirements, and disciplinary actions for violations. This paper will discuss the nurse practice act in the state in which I practice nursing, the scope of practice for the registered nurse as defined in the nurse practice act, the scope of practice of the master’s prepared nurse, the differences between the two roles, and the role to which I aspire. State of Practice The Professional Nursing Law of Pennsylvania (Nurse Practice Act of PA) is the regulation that governs my practice as I work as a registered nurse (RN) in Pennsylvania.…
Nursing as a profession has the largest nation’s health care workforce with more than 3 million members. Being at the center of patient care, the part nurses play towards achieving the objectives set by the 2010 Affordable Care Act cannot be over emphasized. Some challenges has posed as an hindrance on the part of nursing which prevents the profession from meeting up with the pace of change and evolution presently going on within the healthcare settings and there is a need to overcome these obstacles. A report released in 2010 by the Institute of Medicine (IOM) highlighted the major changes that must occur in nursing so as to measure up with the nation’s healthcare system. Though the IOM is a nongovernmental and independent organization, it…