Quote: “You don’t know how much I needed to hear from you. I wanted to write you many a time but I dug how much I must have hurt you and do I didn’t write. But now I feel like a man who’s been trying to climb up out of some deep, real deep and funky hole and just saw the sun up there, outside. I got to get outside.”
Explanation: This shows much Sonny is suffering. He first suffers from drug addiction, which ended him up in jail. The real deep and funky hole can be a metaphor for his battle with drug addiction. He sees how his drug addiction is destroying him both physically and mentally and now wants to change. He suffers from knowing that he has hurt his family and is shamed to talk to them because of his choices he made. The quote shows a change in direction for Sonny and now wants help and reconnection with brother. …show more content…
When he started to walk, he walked from our mother straight to me. I caught him just before he fell when he took the first steps he ever took in this world.”
Explanation: There is a strong bond between Sonny and his brother. The narrator deeply cares about his brother. The narrator is many ways is like another parent to Sonny, which reader can tell from this quote. This strong bond was broken due to some of the choices Sonny has made. However, the narrator is still there for Sonny and ready to catch him when he falls.
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Quote: "I heard what he had gone through, and would continue to go through until he came to rest in earth. He had made it his: that long line, of which we knew only Mama and Daddy. And he was giving it back, as everything must be given back, so that, passing through death, it can live