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19 Cards in this Set

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Inter-regional Migrant Flow

Migration that occurs between 2 regions

Intra-regional Flow

Migration that occurs within one region.

One example of an active Interregional migrant flow

- North of Libya to Sicily in Italy (via Mediterranean route)

- Morocco to Spain (via maritime route)

THe countries with the most intraregional migrants in the EU

Germany with 345,00+

Uk with 190,000+

France with 94,000+

Intervening obstacles

Factors which may disrupt or terminate a migration at any point between the origin and destionation, these factors can be physical, economic, social and pilotical

The Schengen Agreement

Allows freedom of movement within of the EU across its internal borders


Money being sent back to families, usually from someone who has done an innovative move

Advantages of Remittance

- Helps development Process

- GDP will increase sustainably

- increase healthcare, education & housing

What does HDI measure

- Life expectancy


- Adult Literacy Rate

- % if children attending school

How global migration promotes stability, growth and development between countries

- Hosting countries will recieve a better workforce

- remittance is a source of foreign exchange contributing to stability of recipient country

- young migrants contribute to a more balanced age structure (ageing population)

- returning migrants can promote new ideas and value of democracy


Association of South East Asian Nations


Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development

South - South Migration

Myanmar to Thailand

Burkina Faso to Ivory Coast

Why are people Migrating from MyanMar to Thailand

- It is a Emerging and Developing Country (EDC)

- fishing industry, manufacturing, agriculture

- free flow of migrants facilitated by ASEAN

- 130,000 refugees from Myanmar (Civil war)

Bilateral Migration

The migrant flow between two countries

What is Open door migration, it’s advantages and disadvantages

This is the type of policy which allows anyone to come live in a country


- Reduces illegal migration

- skill gaps will be filled


- Discrimmination

- More pressure on Services

Quota Migration, it’s advantages and disadvantages

This restricts the number of people allowed into a country per year


- receiving countries are more In control


- illegal immigration

- discrimination

Skill test migration, Advantages and Disadvantages

Potential migrants must pass a Skill test


- highly qualified/skilled migrants

- Less unemployment


- lower wages

- more competition for desirable jobs

What is PBS

Point Based System (based on skills, qualifications and age)