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18 Cards in this Set

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Permanent movement from one place to another

Innovative migration

A move where a migrant undertakes a new life

Conservative migration

A move that preserves an accustomed way of life in new surroundings

Primitive migration

A move in response to environmental conditions

Force migration

Compulsory transfer of a group, usually by government

Impelled migration

Like forced migration but migrants retain some ability to move or not

Free migration

Individual movements for economic betterment

Mass migration

Large numbers or entire communities migrating

Long term migrant

A person who moves to another country for at least a year

Short term migrant

Person who moves for at least 3 months but less than a year


People seeking asylum against war and conflict

What is a flow line map

A map that shows where people migrate too and from

Advantage: very self explanatory

Net migration

Refers to difference between numbers of immigrants and emigrants for a particular country

Immigrants - come in the country

Enmigrants - leave the country

Why are migration figures estimates

- lack of uniformity across countries make it difficult to obtain accurate, reliable and comparable statistics

- many undocumented illegal migrants

Advantages and disadvantages of a chloropleth map

Advantages: shows roughly how many migrated from what country


- doesn’t show the route taken

What is natural change

Births - deaths = natural change, of that year

What is total population change

Natural change + Net migration = total population change

Asylum seeker

Someone moving pretending to be a refugee