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34 Cards in this Set

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Yoga Citti Vrtti Nirodha

The purpose of Yoga- Yoga is the cessation of the fluctuations of the mind, Yoga stills the mind.



Inner Light of Awareness

Never changing, ones higher power. God

Prakritti / Drsya

Ever changing Outside World, Mother Nature


Fluctuations of of the mind. Activity in the mind-heart. Turnings or cyclings including emotions and thoughts. There are 5 differant types of Vrttis. (Seen on separate cards)

Distractions in the mind...


Keen discernment- The ability to choose wisely.


Vibrational sacred sound.

Meditational sound


Honoring the divine within us all. Bowing to eachother and to yourself.


Eight Limbs of Yoga. A set of principles.

1. Yamas w/ 5 sub Yamas

2. Nimyamas w/ 5 sub Niyamas

3. Asana. 4. Pranayama

5. Pratyahara. 6. Dharana

7. Dhyana. 8. Samadhi

Foundations for a moral, healthy, and peaceful life.

What are the Yamas?

They are Universal Ethical Practices. 5 Su-Yamas.

#1 Ahimsa #2 Satya #3 Asteya

#4 Brahmacarya #5 Aparigraha


Yama #1- The practice of Non Violence

Abstaining from intentionally inflicting pain on or killing other creatures in thought, word or deed. Powerful when observed with Non-Violence (Satya).


Yama #2- The practice of Truthfulness

Communicating what we understand to be true. Thoughts, words and actions are consistent with one another.


Yama #3- The practice of Non Stealing

Not talking from others and accepting only what is earned or freely given. Material things/time/energy.


Yama #4- The practice of Sense Control. (Sexual self control in particularly)

Conservation of Vital energy, especially sexual energy, in order to channel it in more productive ways. Directs the heart-mind away from sensual indulgences, reduces libido, and thus conserved the sexual fluids that contribute to overall health and vitality.


Yama #5- The practice of Non Coveting. Nonhoarding, nonpossessiveness.

Not being possessive, applies to material objects, our bodies, and our thoughts.

POSE- Utkatasana

Chair, Fierce Powerful Pose

POSE- Utthita Trikonasana

Extended Triangle Pose

POSE- Adho Mukha Svanasana

Down Facing dog

POSE- Dandasana

Staff Pose

POSE- Marichyasana

Sage Pose

POSE- Tadasana

Mountain Pose

POSE- Vrksasana

Tree Pose


The principal of Personal Self-Care

Second Astanga, Limb of Yoga

5 Sub Niyama-s:

#1-Sauca #2 Santosa #3 Tapas

#4 Svādhyaya #5 Īśvara-praņidhāna


#1 Niyama-s

Cleanliness of body, heart-mind and surroundings.

Personal practice of maintaining a clean body and clear heart-mind.


#2 Niyama-s

Contentment and Gratitude

Being grateful for what we have, content with who we are and where we are in life.


-Our Heart-Mind

-Sits between the ever-changing outside world and an inner light of awareness

- Accepts sensory input, processes it, integrates it, remembers it and then delivers the thoughts, words and actions.


Diligent, focused practice.

Disciplined, persistent effort to remain focused.


Nonattachment to Sensory Objects

When an object is perceived, they can produce an attraction, which can lead to in attachment. Over time the attachment may grow into a craving, and non experience in the object again will upset us. If we are unaffected by the presence or absence of something then Vairāgya is happening.

Karma and Samskāra

Karma is an action or activity that produces a result. It is a thought, word or deed, or something wer perceive with or senses. Samskāra is a lasting impression which becomes part of you and influences your actions. Deep impressions form habits, tendencies and proclivities that affect the way we think and act


#3 Niyama-s- Personal Practices.

Practice causing positive Change. Real impermanent change in behavior creates heat from the friction of a new, positive pattern rubbing up against an old karma negative one. This priceless heat of discomfort is the result of tapas. The heat generated by practicing tapas will incinerate physical, mental, and emotional impurities, and refine the body, sensory organs, in heart-mind.


Silencing the heart-mind. This depends on two pillars of yoga, abhyāsa (diligent practice) and vairāgya (detached awareness) result in nirodha.


#4 Niyama-s- Study by and of oneself. Looking at yourself honestly and objectively. This promote self flexion by observing ourselves in action and looking at ourselves inside fully brings us awareness. Once we understand where we are we can set an intention to let go of our negative qualities and reinforced those that have a positive effect.


#5 Niyamas- Humility and Faith.


The practice of sitting in a circle and sharing truth with each other.

'Sat' means truth & ' Sang' means communication

Our Communication with the truth.

Being with the truth.

Rules of Conduct for "Satsang"☆

1. Keep on topic and be aware that we do have a time constraint.

2. Respect when others are talking

- No interrupting or talking with other

- Some people are introverts ( they might need to share more.

- Some people are extroverts and might need to speak less.

Nadi Shodhana

"Alternative Nostril Breathing"

Purpose- Regulating the flow of air through your nasal passages. Do this when Anxious, having trouble falling asleep, when thoughts are racing. Also before meditation, its a very soothing practice.