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45 Cards in this Set

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2 types of Carbohydrate

1. Sugars

2. Polysaccharides

Sources of Sugars

1. Sweets

2. Cakes

Sources of Polysaccharides

1. Bread

2. Rice

3. Pasta

4. Cereals

5. Potatoes

Uses of Sugars

provide instant energy

Uses of Polysaccharides

1. Provide instant energy

2. Energy storage (glycogen)

Sources of Fat

1. Butter

2. Cooking Oil

3. Cream

4. Red meat (e.g. beef)

Uses of Fat

1. Energy storage

2. Making cell membranes

Sources of Protein

1. Meat

2. Eggs

3. Fish

4. Nuts

5. Peas

Uses of Protein

Growth and repair (making new cells)

3 types of mineral salts

1. Calcium

2. Iron

3. Sodium

Sources of Calcium


Sources of Iron

Red Meat

Sources of Sodium

1. Salt

2. Processed foods

Uses of Calcium

Strengthens bones, nails and teeth

Uses of Iron

Red Blood Cells

Uses of Sodium

Water balance in cells

3 Vitamin A sources

1. Fish

2. Oils

3. Butter

3 Vitamin B sources

1. Liver

2. Cereals

3. Meat

2 Vitamin C sources

1. Fresh Fruit

2. Vegetables

2 Vitamin D sources

1. Dairy Products

2. Fatty Fish

Vitamin A Uses

Aids night vision

Vitamin B Uses

Chemical reactions in respiration

Vitamin C Uses

Healthy skin and gums

Vitamin D Uses

Absorption and use of Calcium for bones and teeth

3 Fibre Sources

1. Cereals

2. Vegetables

3. Fruit

Fibre Uses

Keeps food flowing smoothly in digestive system

2 Water Sources

1. Drinks

2. Soggy foods

Water Uses

Dissolves chemicals in cells or tissue fluids

Test for Sugar (name)

Benedict's Test

Test for Sugar (method - 3 steps)

3 Steps:

1. Dissolve food in 1cm3 water

2. Add 2cm3 Benedict's Solution

3. Boil, using a water bath, for 1 minute


Blue solution becomes red (if xxx detected)

Sucrose (type of sugar)

A sugar that does not turn Benedict's solution red

Test for Starch (name)

Iodine Test

Test for Starch (method)


Add several drops of solution.


Straw colour turns to blue/black (if xxx detected)

Test for Fat (name)

Emulsion Test

Test for Fat (method)

Method (5 steps):

1. Cut food into thin shavings, without water

2. Add 5cm3 of Ethanol

3. Shake well and leave to settle

4. Half fill second test tube with water

5. Carefully add drops of Ethanol solution to the water


Water becomes cloudy (if xxx is detected)

Test for Protein (name)

Biuret Test

Test for Protein (method)

Method (3 steps):

1. Add 1cm3 of dilute Sodium Hydroxide

2. Add 3 drops of 1% Copper Sulphate solution

3. Shake and observe


Pale Blue colour turns to Violet (if xxx detected)

xxx give twice as much energy as carbohydrates

xxx = Fats

Starch and sugar are xxx

xxx = Carbohydrates

xxx and yyy can be stored in the body

xxx = Fats

yyy = Carbohydrates (Glycogen)

Too much fat in the diet leads to xxx

xxx = Heart Disease

Too much energy rich food makes us xxx and causes yyy

xxx = Overweight

yyy = Heart Disease

Proteins are used for xxx and yyy. Proteins zzz

xxx = growth

yyy = repair of cells

zzz = cannot be stored

xxx and yyy are need to help zzz in the body

xxx = Vitamins

yyy = minerals

zzz = special chemical reactions

A xxx contains all the yyy in the zzz

xxx = balanced diet

yyy = nutrients

zzz = amounts needed by the body