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36 Cards in this Set

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Cold War

- USA and USSR allies in WWII

- after war, alliance soured; animosity

- 2nd 1/2 of 20thC involved their conflicts

Yalta Conference


- Britain and USA recognise Soviet's sphere of power in eastern Europe

Iron Curtain

- referenced in British PM Winston Churchill's speech (wanted end to communism)

- symbol of Cold War division of Europe between east and west

Truman Doctrine


- US Pres Truman pledges US support to 'free peoples' threatened by communist insurgency

- indicates continued US involvement in Europe

- shift in US policy from isolationism to participation in world affairs

- proclaimed US leadership of the 'free world'

Marshall Plan


- US economic assistance to Europeto secure economic and political stability

- USSR rejects on grounds of American imperialism, makes COMECON

Proxy War

- indirect war using other countries and soldiers than your own but supplying resources

- 1950-53 Korean War (N USSR; S USA)

- Vietnam

Korean War

- proxy war; 1950-53

- brings Asia into conflict

- AU and NZ into closer alliance w/ USA

- US establishes bases on Japan, Japan's economy boosted


- US senator Joseph McCarthy

- anti-communist crusade

- claims w/ no evidence of communist politicians

- US politicians forced to go out of their way to prove they aren't communist


- North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (1949)

- defence alliance against USSR

Warsaw Pact

- USSR response to NATO (1955)

- saw NATO as threat and wanted their own military alliance

Nikita Kruschchev

- 1st Secretary of CPSU

- demonized Stalin, released millions from prison, called for peaceful coexistance w/ west, disliked political elite

- build up industry and arms

- USSR leader


- Communist Party

-list of names of all responsible postions and individuals approved to hold those positions

- put in place to ensure communist people stay in power

- quickly turns corrupt

Hungarian Uprising


- Hungary emboldened by Khrushchev's leniance

- demands for soviet withdrawal

- hungarian political system liberalised by reformist prime minister

- soviet troops invade and triumph

- west does nothing to help

Berlin Wall

- Berlin = hole in iron curtain

- east is USSR; west is US

- Khrushchev wants east Germany, US doesn't want to go against plan w/ Germany to reunify

- Wall constructed by USSR 1961 to prevent people moving from east to west

Cuban Missile Crisis

Oct 1962

- Soviet missiles moved to Cuba

- JFK blockades Cuba

- almost global nuclear war

- agreement reached missiles removed

Leonid Brezhnev

- 1st secretary of CPSU 1964-82

- USSR leader, conservative

- reversed the mild liberalism of Khrushchev's era

Prague Spring


- attempted reform of Czechoslovakia

- crushed by USSR and Warsaw pact members

- justified by Brezhnev Doctrine (interests of international socialism prevail over principle of national sovereignty)

Brezhnev Doctrine

- interests of international socialism prevail over principle of national sovereignty

- USSR entangled in arms race w/ US

- costly military engagements (Afghanistan) to uphold this result in ultimate demise

Domino policy

- belief held by US

- states of SE Asia like dominos, if one falls to communism, all would

Vietnam War


- Vietnam divided (N USSR; S US)

- proxy war

- Eisenhower pledged US aid

- all following US pres during the time felt they had to uphold that promise

- unwinnable, natives rebelled and used guerilla warfare

- US discontent w/ involvemnet

- ends with Communist victory

Strategic Arms Limitation Talks

SALT Treaty (1972)

- place numerical limits on Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs)

SALT II Treaty (1979) - further limitations on nuclear weapons

Mikhail Gorbachev

- general secretary CPSU: 1985-91

- reduced direct Soviet military engagements (unlike Brezhnev)

- defused Cold War, reformed Soviet economy, admin, and gov't



-allowed freedom of expression to Soviet citizens



- allowed elements of market economy and democracy in an overall centralised communist system

1991 Coupe of Russia

- Gorbachev opposed by conservatives and liberals

- failed coupe

- Gorbachev resigns 1991

Fall of Berlin Wall

1989 - East germans breach the Wall and begin its demolition

- reunification of East and West Germany 1990

Bretton Woods Conference

- 1944 towards the end of WWII

- motivation: financial stability through internat economic cooperation


1.) United Nations

2.) International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (Word Bank) - long-term loans

3.) International Monetary Fund (IMF) - short-term loans

4.) US dollar becomes standard medium of exchange


- post-wear European prosperity dependent on American capital

- coca-colonisation (fears of cultural dominance by USA)

Welfare State

- State accepts responsibility for provision of services (health, housing, education, etc)

- validated by economic theories of John Keynes

- fully developed post WWII, started to decline in the 1970s


- economic viability depends substantially on economic growth

- linked w/ welfare state

Civil Rights Movement

- Segregation in South US maintained w/ Jim Crow laws

- 1954 Supreme Court rules federal > state laws

- 1957 National Assoc. for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP)

- African Americans desire equal rights

- Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King led movement

- largely acheived in Civil Rights Act 1964 & Voting Rights Act 1965

- based mostly on non-violence, passive resistance

Black Power

- other side of CRM

- theme of raising balck cultural pride, identity and political consciousness

-separatism - blacks should stay away from whites

- Malcolm X; Nation of Islam

Youth Rebellion


- Baby boomers, raised in relative affluence coming into adulthood

- reject aspects of older gen; struggle against authority

- student protest movement against war (Vietnam and Cold); disparity between high expenditure for military and low spending on education

Success: Supreme Court sanctions abortions; revitalisation of women's rights; gay right's championed

OPEC Oil Crisis


- Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC)

- rise in oil prices due to cuts in production and embargoes as a political strategy to reduce support to Israel

- results in Global recession

- Europe tries to distance themselves from US to avoid rising prices

Responses to Global Recession 1973-75

- Monetarism (less gov't interference in economy)

- Margaret Thatcher (rolling back the state)

and Ronald Reagan (cuts social spending, hikes military expenditure - US debt increases)

- welfare states dismantled, unemployment rises

- private opporunity and personal responsibility


economic doctrine that gov'ts should interfere as little as possible in economy