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134 Cards in this Set

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The reasons for rise of British Empire

geographical position

investments in ships

focus on trade, nor conquering



Why trade with China was essential to Britain?

goods that build their economy (tea),

repayment of the debt

prelude to 1st Opium War

unsatisfaction with Chinese rules

cultural differences, ignorance

search for good China will be willing to trade to

How and when 1st Opium War started?

4 September, 1839

British provision was seized

On what terms and when 1st Opium War ended?

August 1842

loss of China - unequal treaty:

Hong Kong is British; 21 mln $; 5 new ports

When and why 2nd Opium War began?

October, 1856

unsatisfaction Brits with failure of Opium legalisation, desire to seize more territories

What changed since 1st Opiym War?

France joined Britain

On what terms 2 Opium War ended?

more unfair to China:

10 more ports

Christian missionary

Legalisation of opium

British East Indian Company, beginning + purposes


initially, spice trade

trade of goods (silk, cotton, tea, opium)

Robert Clive

one of the creators of British power in India

won the "Battle of Plassey"

British Raj

period of direct British rule over the Indian subcontinent (1858-1947)

Indian National Congress

political party of India

1885 - present

part of a movement for independence from GB

the Scramble for Africa

colonisation of Africa (1884-1914)

Countries that participated in the Scramble for Africa

France, GB, Italy, Spain, Portugal, Germany

Why Africa wasn't colonised yet?

diseases, people, inconvenience (horses could not enter)

what enabled Europeans conquer Africa?

technological superiority

Berlin conference


established the rules for the conquest and partition of Africa

consisted of 16 white leaders

First slaves

Spanish colonists in 16 century forced native groups to extract gold from mines

then understood how profitable it is - no labor costs

then made them work in fields, so their trip'd be the most profitable

Spain, gold, native groups

The Britain's role in slavery

transferred from Africa to Americas the most


end of slavery in Britain (f/p)

1807 - formally

1833 - practically

25 years difference

King Leopold of Belgium and the Congo Free State

1885-1908 (23 y)

Belgian King Leopold ruled the Congo Free State

Thought colonisation is crucial, did it with his own hands, fooled the government

Boer War

War for independence. Anglo-Boer (South African) war

before Scramble for Africa

Cecil Rhodes

empire builder of British South Africa; helped Britain, founded the firm that controlled global trade - invested in diamonds

end of 19th ct

Why didn't America grow till 1800?

anti-imperialism bent

didn't want to integrate other races

what changed the debate about American expansionism?

skyrocketed economy required bereaucracy

key turning point of America's rise


annexed a lot of territories

rapid acquisition made seem as a true power

wars, acquisition

Andrew Carnegie

invested in sales, sleeping car on railroad, built the largest steel manufacturing company in the world

JP Morgan

American financier

reorganised businesses (railroads) to have control over them⁶

Henry Ford

Founder of the Ford Motor Company

revolutionized the way cars are built

(the assembly line technique of mass production)

Model T

a car was introduced in 1908

was easy to use, cheap

made almost half of all cars 10 years later

Teddy Roosevelt

youngest president of America

beginning of 20th ct

"trust buster" - was against monopolies

What was the purpose of 1900 Paris Exhibition?

to celebrate achievements of the past century and accelerate development into the next

why did Austria-Hungary have a shaky position before WW1?

everywhere was rise of nationalism, but not there

Emperor Franc Joseph ruled over the country for more than 50 years

made questionable decisions (to annex Bosnia and Herzegovina, part of Ottoman Empire)

Everyone protested, especially Serbia

Anti-austrian movement among slavics

Triple Alliance 1WW

Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy

The Triple Entente 1WW

England, France, Russia - 1907

British-German relationships before 1WW

Germans admired Br, especially navy

But built navy only to challenge Brits

Why did Br-Gr relationships got worse 1WW?

Brits (Churchill) offered to stop ship building: for Br it is essential, but for Gr is luxury, but kaiser Wilhelm did not take it

Biggest Russian fear during 1WW?

alliance Germany and Ottoman Empire, because of export of wheats through Dardanelles

Consequences of building navy in Germany (1WW)

Germany spent 1/3 of defence budget on navy, could not afford a two front war

reasons for wars near Balkans?

slavics wanted a pan-slavic nation, declare their independence

excuse for WW1

Austria-Hungarian Archduke, Franz Ferdinand have a trip in his open top car, got killed by a Serbian nationalist

AH thinks Serbia has smth to do with it

Secure support of Germany, give a list of demands to Serbia

declare war

German's plan WW1

to defeat France quickly while Russians are preparing

How Germans plan went? WW1

France had a great defence near border

decided to go through Belgium - fought back, slowed them down

GB declared war on Germany as well

What happened when Russia was ready for war?

Germany didn't expect that, asked AH to help, but it wasn't successful - always ignored Germans' advices

how WW1 was going on Western front (Gr/Fr, Bg, GB)?

firstly Germany was beating, then beaten


How the problem with deadlock on Western front was solved?

New Frontiers:

Allies: Italy, Japan

:Ottoman Empire

, but it didn't really change anything

what did Germany do to change the situation?

Not the fairest act - chemical warfare

New weapons of WW1

tanks, airplanes - for bombing, submarines

The Battle of Verdun


the longest battle

French city (Fr/Gr)

Battle of the Somme (why? who? when?)


French asked to draw Germans attention away, British started the battle

1917, who broke first? 1WW

all are exhausted, but Russia the most, so it surrended

how, when did USA join war?

in 1917

throughout the war helped Allies, sending support

joined Allies (bc of Luisitania - British ship that drowned with 100 americans)

what was the last push of Germany? 1WW

until fresh American troops arrive, defeat France and UK

started final attack, on the Somme

when, why did 1WW ended?

11 hour, 11 day, 11 month, 1918

Allies were stronger

Treaty of Versailles

1. reduce military

2. accept war guilt

3. reparations


Woodrow Wilson, 14 points

American president tried to bring peace

beginning of 1918, came up with 14 points (document with rules for everybody what to do next) that will bring it

Why did Russia fall far behind europe?


reforms of Czar Alexander 2

1861, abolition of serfdom

Tsar Alexander 3

son of Alexander 2, repressed religious minoroties, non-russians

introduced the Okhrana (a secret police force to combat political terrorism, left wing activity)

Tsar Nicholas

was not prepared to rule

after inviting everyone for beer and pretzels, Khodynka tragedy happened, where 1500 people were killed because of crowd crash

traits? what undermined his authority?

Lenin, beliefs, life story

was a fan of Marx (social warfare), even was exiled to Siberia

After went to europe, joined the club of marxists/communists there

founded communist newsletter, smuggled into Russia

How party splited?

not everyone agreed with Lenin, he was short-tempered;

so they split up

Lenin set up his own fraction of the party - Bolshevik

the other one - Menshevik

Sergey Witte

influential advisor of Tsar

knew industrialization is needed, persuaded easily-swayed Nicolas

borrowed money, got factories

Why did workers strike?

terrible conditions

the reason, result of war with Japan

Nicholas wanted to regain support of the prople by winning an easy war (Japan), but Russia lost

reasons of revolution

all people were unsatisfied with confitions

Tsars lived their lives while they were dying from hunger

Peaceful protest

January 1905

Father Gapon was leading workers to the winter palace. Wanted to deliver a petition for Nicholas (more freedom, better working conditions)

Bloody sunday

January 22, 1905

Troops opened fire on civilians

200 deaths, 800 wounded

Leon Trotsky

marxist, with others began setting up Soviets - councils that coordinated strikes and supplied workers.

a bit later were gotten rid of; Trotsky repressed

solution of Tsar (in fact, Sergei) on how to calm people down during revilution

manifest for liberals to create Duma - elected assembly

but in fact it won't work bc of changes in it

Pyotr Stolypin

next Tsar's helper

reforms for peasants

Stolypin's necktie - hegman's noose

revolution 1917, reasons

country was in the war they could not afford for 3 years, autocratic regime was outdated, people wanted to put an end of it

how Romanovy dynasty ended?

people demanded Nicholas to leave his post and he didn't have a choice

how did Russia survive without a Tsar?

provisional government - liberals (official government)

Soviets - workers (socialists, mensheviks) (issuing orders of workers and soldiers)

how Lenin took powers?

"Peace, land, bread" - power to the Soviets

bolsheviks became more popular

After some tensions, just took the palace by force

Alexander Kerensky

minister of war, didn't want to quit war in 1917 (if we win, people will support, but they lost)

responce of Kerensky (prime minister) to violence?

people used bolsheviks slogans, so bolshevik leaders (Lenin, Trotskiy) were arrested/sent

General Kornilov

was promoted by Kerensky, but overthrew him

gathered soldiers and wanted to take power to get rid of bolsheviks

What was wrong with Bolsheviks ruling?

It was not fair, was actually autocracy; they didn't collaborate with othet parties; lost a war, were humiliated; signed the treaty on unfair terms

Russian civil war


white (anti-bolshevik) movement gained control over undeveloped areas, were disorganized

reds - controlled the industrial heartland, organized; got on top

USSR (when? ruling party)

1922, under strict one party system

how did Stalin come to power?

he was giving people jobs, so he surrounded himself with supporters. Lenin was against

USA on WW1 results

Woodrow Wilson:

league of nations (to prevent wars)

14 points

Germany shouldn't be blamed for the war

French on WW1 results

Georges Clemenceau:

punish Germany - huge reparations + disbandment of Gr Army

return Alsace Lorraine to Fr

no league of nations

British on WW1 results

Lloyd George:

lands for BE, naval supremacy

the Treaty of Versailles (when? what?)

1. return territories to Fr; Gr colonies to Fr, GB; return Polish corridor - way to Baltic sea

2. limited army and navy

3. reparations, no league of nations, admit ther fault


League of Nations (when? why?)


to solve conflicts without wars; improve civil rights

general trends in life of 1920s

a lot of music, dances, less work, more freedom to women - shorter skirts; vote rights

sport in teams - representation of wars

reasons, results of hyper-inflation in Gr

had to pay reparations, printed more money, devalued all saved money

National self-determination: concept, problems w it

By Wodroow Wilson

Poland for polish..

But territories were not precise

pre WW2: first agressor

1. Japan (were out of resources, decided to attack China, left League of Nation

sometimes considered as beginning of WW2


pre WW2: Italy

Benitto Mussolini was a fan of Roman Empire - wanted to reunite all Italians

Bc Italy didn't get benefits from WW1 and had weak government, people supported

1st fascist dictator

wanted to have colonies

independent African country - Ethiopia

Italo-Ethiopian war


Italy had colonies near Ethiopia, invaded


- how started? results?

Anti-Comintern Pact


Gr + Jp; after Italy

fight against communism together

when? who? why?

pre WW2: Germany

1933 - Hitler, progermanism

(wanted to unite all germans on other territories (Pl..); unite w Austria)

Building up slowly and not having resistance:

1.out of Ligue of N

2.takes one territory back

3.building new army - Wermaht

4.going to demilitarized area

Czechoslovak crisis


Germany wanted to take Sudetenland

important region for ChechoSlovakia

hoped for help from Russia/France (pact in 1935)

Russia couldn't help (Poland wouldn't let them go through, pact guaranteed help from 2 countries only)

France already had other political views

Munich agreement


Eng, Fr agree to Gr have their territory back

other countries wanted part of their territories

Czechoslovakia gave in

Why did South was ok with Hitler moving to West?

Wanted to redirect aggression

What did Hitler do after taking part of C-S?

1. separate it into Slovakia (who has a lot of 3rd reich supporters) and occupies other part - Chezh

2. Takes part of Lithuania

3. wants to take back Polish territory, but meets resistance

T4 project

the beginning of Nazis mass murder

late 1930

200000 disabled people were killed

save purity of German race

useless people should be eliminated

when? why? whom?

concentration camps


Jewish, Black, Russians, Slavics, LGBT

large-scale prisons (sometimes killed)

when? who? what?

Hitler's lifestory

1. Austrian

2. Father married an old rich woman, then their housemaid, then when she became ill - his cousin

their children died as infants, Adolf was ok

3. anti-semitism movement :arys people are the best, Jews the worst

4. expelled from school, wanted to be an artist, went to Germany

5. After the WW1 where he was brave, Germany was humiliated

and anti-war propaganda was spread by Communists and Jews





what provocated

invasion of Poland WW2

1.Polish corridor separated Germany, they wanted to get it

Alliance threatened to have a war if they did

2. so, made an agreement with Russia

3. 1 September, 1939

why? who? when?

Phony war

as Hitler invaded Pl, West declared war, but seemed like nobody did anything: French stood near the border, but didn't attack

wanted not to repeat 1WW

Sweden, Norway in WW2

neutral Sweden exported iron ore to Gr through neutral Norway

Allies asked to stop, they refused

USSR attacked Finland, excuse to come and help (and take iron fields), refused

Hitler saw their plan, went to Norway

Battle with Allies - Gr took control over airfields, Allies retreated

Hitler's strategy WW2

attack France, then UK, then USSR

How WW2 went in the west?

again were near Belgium

Blitzkrieg on France

GR sent refugees, found a weak spot - Ardennes (hills and forests - though it was naturally impenetrable)

Penetrated and circled Allies

France fell

UK after fall of France WW2

didn't give up

Hitler tried to intimidate them, bc they were all alone

Italy declared war on the Allies

Hitler made it seem like part of France just switched sides

GR attack on GB (WW2)

air attack

Br ports, air stations

GB - small attack over Berlin - Hitler furious

Hitler ordered to attack civilian targets in London - British didn't give up and even had time to reorganise air forces

another attack on London - repelled it

Triapartite act WW2

Germany, Italy, Japan


defence alliance

later - Hungary, Romania

who? when? why?

USSR's annexations WW2

a small part of Finland

baltic states (Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia), part of Romania

role of US in WW2

sent supplies to Allies

German boats were a barrier, but cracked their code

what was a real struggle for Germans in Russia?


Hitler didn't supply them with winter clothes, bc he though he'd win already

reasons for Japanese attack on US

wanted to expand territories on the south, but it was colonised by Americans and British

their navy would not win

decided to destroy their navies before the conquest

Pearl Harbor

air attack from JP on US Pacific Fleet

December, 1941

After that Roosevelt declared war on Japan


1949, threat by Soviet Union after WW2

secure peace in Europe, cooperate, promote freedom

12 countries (now 29)

when was established? why? for whom?

Truman Doctrine


American foreign policy to support countries threatened by Soviet Communism

when? why?

beginning of cold war

Truman Doctrine, 1949

The Marshall plan (European Recovery Program)

U.S. program provided aid to Western Europe to help after WW2.


15 billion$

what? when? who?

Berlin Blockade Cold War

Soviets blocked rail, road access to Western part of Berlin

in response, they flew supplies in (Berlin airlift)

Chinese in Cold War

communist regime, allies with the Soviets

attacks in Korea (both dictators, wanted to take each other's powers)



Nikita Khrushev

Khrushev's ruling

a bit milder than Stalin, BUT supressesed revolutions, banned a lot of things

Spied on West

internal, external politics?


комитет гос безопасности

the main security agency for the Soviet Union from

1954 - 1991

Red Scare

widespread fear of a potential rise of communism

communists interfered with US policies

achievements' contest bt Russia n USA

1st satellite - R

1st man in the space - R

better weapon - R

US spent all money on military, not on people(

West Germany was far more, East - not

space, weapon, Germany

conflict over Germany CW

West Gr was more progressive

People could move freely, stayed in the West part - lead to downfall of economy in the east

1961 Khrushev built a wall in Berlin

Cuba's crisis

Revolution in Cuba

America is vulnerable

Cuba n Rs r together

almost killed each other w nuclear weapon

Partial Nuclear Test Ban Treaty 1963

prohibited nuclear weapons tests/explosions anywhere outside the ground

USA×RS fight without actually fighting CW

backed opposite sides in various wars (Vietnam..)

detente CW

relaxation of strained relations

spent too much money on weapon

in order to rescue economies had to cut off spendings


what changed the course of CW?


Gorbachev came to power:

really eliminated restrictions, signed some contracts with US, allowed East Bloc to decide their own ruling

how German conflict was solved in Germany CW?

1989 when curtain wall fell in Hungary, travelled their, but ruler tried to stop them

Mass protests, finally allowed

1990 Germany reunited