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56 Cards in this Set

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What was Napoleons role in the French Revolution?

His role furthered his political goals. Napoleon considered himself a "son of the revolution".

List the order of events during the French Revolution.

-Old Regime

-Tennis Court Oath

-National Convention

-Reign of Terror

-The Directory


Louis XVI summoned the Estates General, which led to the third Estate's Tennis Court Oath and the Declaration of the Rights of Man. Eventually the national assembly became the national convention, the reign of terror followed, and the Revolution ended with the overthrow of the Directory by Napoleon.

What was the influence of the French Revolution on Haiti?

The revolution in Haiti was a result of the French Revolution. Haiti was the first black republic in the Americas. It was founded as a result of a slave's revolt led by Toussaint L'Ouverture vs. their French Oppressors.

What was the Congress of Vienna?

The meeting of European diplomats after the French Revolution that was determined to suppress the democratic and nationalistic ideals of the french revolution and their effect on Europe.

Who was Simon Bolivar?

He was the "liberator" of much of South America from the colonial power of Spain and was inspired by the American Revolution

Explain the social and economic effects of imperialism

Some of the effects were:

-the spread of Christianity

-segregation of the native population & their colonial "masters"

-the colonized people frequently grew cash crops for European consumption and were the labor force

-the destruction of native cultures and religious beliefs

-the loss of native industries

Explain Pan Africanism

It was a movement in the 1920s that emphasized the unity of Africans and people of African descent worldwide.

Explain Irish Nationalism

The Irish Nationalists fought vs. British rule. The IRA (Irish Republican Army) guerrilla war fought vs. Britain and the result was that most of Ireland became self-governing (the Irish Free State). The Protestant north remained under British rule.

Define Capitalism

The economic system based upon private ownership of the means of production (or property) and upon profit and competition.

Define Socialism

The people as a whole rather than private individuals own and operate the means of production. There is a concern for social justice and welfare. The wealthy pay higher taxes than the poor in order to benefit society.

Who was Adam Smith and what were his beliefs?

He wrote The Wealth of Nations and espoused capitalism, with its free market and laissez-faire economics.

Who was Karl Marx and what were his beliefs?

He was a socialist who wrote The Communist Manifesto. He believed economics was based upon a class struggle in which the proletariat (wage earners) would overthrow the capitalist employers. The ultimate goal was a classless society.

Compare the unification of Italy and Germany.

-Both were led by strong nationalist leaders:

Otto von Bismarck (Germany)

G. Garibaldi (Italy)

-Both were late in developing into unified nations because of the influence of the Roman Catholic Church.

-They demonstrate the power of nationalism in consolidation political interests.

Define Salt March

It was a protest led by M. Gandhi vs. Great Britain's colonial empire. (Fought to eliminate foreigners and their influence)

Define Boxer Rebellion

It was a nationalist revolt vs. European imperialist powers in China (Fought to Eliminate foreigners and their influence)

Define Zulu Revolt
The Zulu resisted Great Britain's colonial power in Southern Africa (Fought to eliminate foreigners and their influence)

Who was Cecil Rhodes?

He was a British businessman who wanted to build a transcontinental railroad "from Capetown to Cairo". He dominated the gold and diamond mines of Africa.

Explain the Opium Wars

This war was fought between China and Great Britain over Britain's sale of opium to the Chinese people based upon its "right to free trade". The treaty was the Treaty of Nanking.

Explain the Treaty of Nanking

It was the first of a series of unequal treaties. It gave Hong Kong to Britain and opened five Chinese ports. China paid a large indemnity.

What were the causes of World War I?

The causes were:




-Secret Alliances

The immediate "spark" was the assassination of the Archduke of Austria

How did technology increase military casualties during WWI?

It made war more deadly.

What assassination triggered WWI?

Archduke Francis Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated in Sarajevo.

What was the final outcome of WWI?

The Allies won. (France, Great Britain, and the US). The Central Powers lost (Germany, Austria-Hungary). Germany was blamed for causing the war.

Define Balfour Declaration

This was a statement by a British official that encouraged the creation of a Jewish homeland in Palestine and provided the basis for the mandate after WWI for the British to control Palestine. Britain viewed this proposal with favor.

Explain the Russian Revolution of 1917

The Communist came to power and the Soviet Union became the first Communist nation. (led by V. Lenin)

What factors led to the rise of the Nazi party?

The Treaty of Versailles and the extreme reparations imposed upon Germany led to the rise of the Nazis and political instability. World War II started with the invasion of Poland.

How did unemployment and woldwide depression incite the Germans?

Unemployment was reduced under Nazi rule. Germany's depression was greater than all of Europe's. Hitler blamed the Jews.

Who were the leaders in Germany, Italy, U.S.S.R.. and in Spain in the 1930s?

-Hitler (Germany)

-Mussolini (Italy)

-J. Stalin (Soviet Union)

-F. Franco (Spain)

All four of these leaders used police power, the denial of rights, and propaganda as tactics.

Describe Guernica

It is a painting by Picasso in which the destruction of the Spanish Civil War is depicted. It shows the irrational nature of war and the terror and torment. It brought the war to the world's attention.

Explain the Munich Pact

At the Munich Conference in 1938, British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain allowed Hitler to keep the Sudetenland (at loss for the Czechs) on his promise that he would not invade further territory. Chamberlain claimed "peace in our time" but was disgraced when Hitler invaded Czechoslovakia the following March. The Munich Pact represents the policy of appeasement toward Hitler.

Explain the Nazi-Soviet Pact

This is Hitler's "nonaggression" pact with his enemy, Joseph Stalin. They secretly agreed not to fight if the other went to war and agreed to divide Poland and other parts of Eastern Europe between them. It was based upon mutual need as Hitler was trying to avoid a two front war and Stalin was trying to avoid war with Germany and saw it as an opportunity to grab territory in Eastern Europe

What was the Holocaust?

It was the planned systemic killing of an entire people, the Jews of Europe. It was genocide.

Explain the Yalta Conference

The U.S., Britain, and the Soviet Union met and agreed to divide Germany into zones. Churchill predicted that Stalin would not keep his pledge of free elections for Eastern Europe. The U.N. Security Council voting was decided.

What event marked the end of WWII?

The U.S dropped atomic bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan in August, 1945.

What were the effects of World War II?

-The Cold War Between the U.S. and the Soviet Union as the two superpowers.

-The Nuclear Arms Race

-The Marshall Plan

-The Nuremberg Trials

-The Truman Doctrine

-The Berlin Airlift

-The Division of Germany

-The ability of the Soviet Union to claim Eastern Europe

It was a turning point as European domination began to weaken as nationalism in colonies increased.

What were the Nuremberg Trials?

These were trials held in Nuremberg in order to try Nazi leaders as war criminals for their violations of humans rights and in order to hold them accountable for the Holocaust

What were Nazi leaders at the Nuremberg Trials charged with?

Nazi leaders were charged with crimes against humanity.

Define the Truman Doctrine

Its purpose was to provide economic and military aid to European Nations in the hope of stopping the spread of communism .

Define NATO

The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is a defensive alliance of western European nations, the U.S., Canada, Turkey, and Greece.

What was the Marshall Plan?

The Marshall Plan was U.S. aid to Germany, Italy, and other European nations in order to restore the economy and promote democracy.

What were the characteristics of the Cold War era?

The Cold War was a "war of diplomacy" rather than bullets

Fought between the two superpowers of the U.S. vs. the Soviet Union

It was the attempt by both nations to gain alliances through the use of espionage and subversion, the use of propaganda, diplomacy, and secret deals.

It ended with the destruction of the Berlin Wall.

Define Perestroika

This is Gorbachev's idea of restructuring the U.S.S.R.'s economy, which included the opening of small private businesses. It included sweeping political and economic reforms.

Define Glasnost

This is Gorbachev's philosophy meaning "openness", which allowed more freedom of the press and more dissent without punishment.

Describe the Suez Crisis

When Nasser planned to nationalize the Suez Canal (for Egypt), the French, British, and Israelis decided to launch and attack to protect the canal. They feared the closing of the canal would threaten their trade with India and the East.

Explain the Bay of Pigs Invasion

This was the failed invasion of Cuba by Cuban exiles that was to be backed by the U.S. Air Force.

Explain the establishment of the State of Israel

Israel was established as a homeland for the displaced Jews of Europe after WWII and the Holocaust. It has not been recognized by many of its Arab Neighbors as a legitimate state.

Explain Mandela and Apartheid

Mandela was the South African leader of the African National Congress (ANC) who led the fight vs. apartheid, which was the complete segregation of the races.

Explain the Bay of Pigs an Cuba (Fidel Castro)

Fidel Castro is the Communist dictator of Cuba who suspected the Bay of Pigs was an attempt by the U.S. to assassinate him.

What caused the overthrowing of the Shah (Iran) in 1979?

The fundamentalists of Iran wanted a government based on the Quran. The Shah was supported by the U.S. and was unpopular with the Muslim population. He was a dictator, and lived a life of exorbitant luxury. The Ayatollah Khomeini established a fundamentalist Islamic state.

What were the effects of the national conflicts in Kashmir?

Kashmir is claimed by both India and Pakistan and has been a battleground between the two countries over water rights. Kashmir is 77% Islamic and 20% Hindu.

What were the post war demographic changes in Latin America?

-A major obstacle to progress in Latin America is the uneven distribution of wealth.

-It has experienced a population explosion

-It has extremes of poverty

-Democracy has been hard to achieve

-Many dictatorships exist

-Drug cartels have been able to gain control of many areas and terrorize the locals and local governments

Describe the ethnic cleansing in Bosnia

When Yugoslavia broke apart, the Serbs tried to eliminate the Muslims

What is/was the AIDS epidemic?

In sub-Saharan Africa, AIDS, a disease considered to be incurable, is epidemic on the continent of its origin, Africa. Pan-Africanism is the promotion of a united Africa.

Define NAFTA

The North American Free Trade Agreement (1994) eliminates tariffs and trade restrictions in the signing countries of Canada, U.S., and Mexico.

Define EU

The European Union is a trade agreement in which trade barriers such as tariffs were removed in Europe

Explain the events of 9/11. Who is responsible for the events of 9/11?

Al Qaeda is the terrorist group led by Osama bin Laden responsible for the 9/11/2001 attack on the World Trade Center in New York City.