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35 Cards in this Set

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What was the Scientific Revolution?

- Emergence of modern science

- Developments in math, physics, astronomy, biology that transformed society

- The IDEA of Questioning

Heliocentric vs Geocentric

- Church = Geocentric

- Geocentric = the idea that the earth is the center of the universe

- Heliocentric = the idea that the sun is the center of the universe

- Geocentric = Aristotle

- Heliocentric = Copernicus, Rene Descartes

Scientific Method

Logical procedure for gathering and testing information

What was the Enlightenment?

- Product of the Scientific Revolution

- Intellectual movement

- Conflicted with religion

Hobbes, Locke, Rousseau, Montesquieu

Hobbes - felt all humans were selfish, Governments needed to keep order, social contract

Locke - Humans can learn from mistakes, natural rights, Government is there to protect natural rights

Rousseau - civilization corrupts, social contract, people could rebel against kings

Montesquieu - loved British government, separation of powers

Causes and Effects of the Atlantic Revolutions - North American, French, Haitian, Latin/Spanish American

North American

Causes - Depleted British treasury, increased British control, preserve existing liberties, republic, enlightenment ideas

Effects - Abolishment of slavery in North, US constitution, white men vote and own property, new nation, inspiration

Haitian Revolution

Causes - Disproportionate population, class inequality, small % had access to wealth, slaves had no rights, enlightenment ideas

Effects - All citizens equal, second independent republic in NA, no longer economic powerhouse, inspired other slave revolts

French Revolution

Causes - Gov. bankrupt, uneven social classes, high tax, unemployment, inspiration from American Revolution, enlightenment ideas

Effects - Reign of Terror, country briefly a republic, social class upheaval, Napoleon Bonaparte

Spanish-American Revolution

Causes - Disproportionate population, class inequality, shadow of fear, Napoleon's invasions, tight Spanish control, inspiration, enlightenment ideas

Effects - Union of countries, deemed impossible, independence, no longer wealthy, lower classes barely benefited

How do social and economic crises affect the revolutions?


When does society usually fall into a revolution?

when situations begin to improve

What does rapid change in the society lead to?

Rapid change in society leads to instability

National Workshops

System set up during the French Revolution (Louis Blanc) to provide work for unemployed

Protest Banquets

Gathering of people during a banquet used to protest against the king

Francois Guizot

Prime minister under King Louis Philippe who opposed electoral reform

Louis Blanc

- social democrat

- Right to work (worshops)

French Revolution's nickname

February Revolution

Revolutionary demands within the Austrian/Habsburg Empire

- liberal reforms

- Hungarian independence

- autonomous Slavic state within empire

Weaknesses that caused the revolution within the Austrian Habsburg Empire

- very conservative monarchy

- culturally and racially heterogeneous

- Social reliance on serfdom

- Corrupt and inefficient

- Competition with Prussia

Racial and Cultural Makeup of the Austrian/Habsburg Empire

Many different cultures, mostly Germans, Hungarians, Italians, Romanians, Poles, Czechs, Slovs

Issue of serfdom in the Austrian/Habsburg Empire

Serfs forced to work without other opprotunities

Ethnic Groups in Bohemia/Moravia and the Magyar/Hungarian revolt

Hungarians, Slavs, Germans,

What is Magyarization?

The act of assimilation (by force or otherwise) of non-Hungarians into the Hungarian culture, language, etc.

The most significant issue to come from the Vienna Uprisings

Emancipation and abolishment of serfdom

What caused the Italians to revolt in 1848-49?

Italians wanted to end the foreign domination of Italy

Mazzini, King Charles Albert

Guiseppe Mazzini

- led the young Italy movement (unify Italy as one nation)

- led march on Rome and forced Pope to flee

- established republic for short while

King Charles Albert

- supported revolutionaries in Italy

- waged war on Austria

- Radetzky defeated Albert

Pope Pius IX, conservative or liberal?

- initially liberal but flees after the assassination of Count Pelligrino Rossi

- After returning from Naples, became one of the archconservatives

What was the Pope's allocation statement?

The Pope would not support a war with Austria (bother were Catholic nations) and no longer supported the effort to unify Italy

Republic of Rome

Republic set up in Pope Pius IX's absence

Liberals called for what in Italy? Nationalists called for what in Italy?

Liberals - constitutions, government reforms, political freedoms

Nationalists - independence from Austria and some measure of Italian unity

Where were the two major areas of revolution in the German States?

Frankfurt, Berlin

King Frederick William IV

- King of Germany

- Initially supportive of liberal reforms

- Rejected when handed United Germany by parliament

What significance came from the Prussian revolution?

- Suffrage, constitution

What were the overall weaknesses of the Frankfurt Parliament?

- alienated working class and conservatives

- unrealistic

Schleswig-Holstein Issue

- Prussia vs Denmark

- Other powers stopped Prussia vs Denamark war

Long and Short term causes of the Revolutions of 1848


Political ideologies challenged during this time period


Main reason(s) for non-coherent revolutions in 1848?
