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44 Cards in this Set

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Scientific Method

Method of coming to Scientific Claims and proving theories - Formalized by Francis Bacon and Descartes

Status Quo

During every revolution, people would rebel and go against what was the "norm"


Something that can be observed - not made up based on myth

Heliocentric vs. Geocentric

Heliocentric - theory that sun is center of the galaxy - Copernicus

Geocentric - theory that the Earth is the center of the galaxy

Hobbes - Social Contract

Absolute Monarch - People are unable to function by themselves - People give up individual liberty in exchange for common security

Locke - Natural Rights

Democracy - Life Liberty and Right to Own property- People are good, can govern themselves, and can learn from mistakes

Checks & Balances

Limits the power of the government by allowing one group to "check" how fairly another group is using their power. They "balance" each other out.


Separation of Power


Religious Tolerance


Public Education


Against Cruel and Unusual Punishment and Death Penalty


Fought for women's rights - esp. education


Great physicist- telescope- stood up for his beliefs and got sent to jail


Unrestricted power in government

Causes of Revolution

Widened gap between social classes

Fight for rights politically

Economic Struggle

Ineffective Ruler

Enlightenment Ideas as an example for those who want change

Louis XVI

Ruler during French Rev.

Very indecisive

Attempt to flee country, got caught and beheaded

Estates General

Meeting called with representatives from all three estates. Each estate has 1 vote (even though 3rd Estate has 97% of French pop.)

First, Second, and Third Estate

First- Monarchy

Second- Clergy & other gov officials

Third- Merchant, Working Class, Poor Families

Tennis Court Oath

Meeting held by third estate in Tennis Court after being locked out of an Estates General meeting. Decided they would not stop until they created a new document to improve their rights in the Nation

Storming of the Bastille

Symbolic of taking down the old regime and rebellion. Bastille also held weapons needed to fight the Upper Class

Declaration of the Rights of Man

Men are born and remain free and equal.

Sovereignty resides essentially in the nation.

Freedom of Speech, Press, Religion, Ownership of private property, and Right to Security

"These rights are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression."

Political Spectrum (French Rev) (5 Perspectives)

Radical , Liberal, Moderate, Conservative, Reactionary


Lead the Bourgeoisie during French Rev - Enlightened ideas - became hungry for power and ended up being beheaded because of paranoia

Reign of Terror

3rd Estate goes blood thirsty and kills a mass # of upper class (no trial)

Napoleon Bonaparte

Takes over after French Rev - People let him lead country

Napleonic Code

French Civil Code forbid privileges based on birth, allowed freedom of religion, and specified that government jobs go to the most qualified.

Three Costly Mistakes

Continental System - Overpowered by British ships - never conquered England

Peninsular War - When he marched through Iberian Peninsula - lost troops because he didn't own Portugal

Invasion of Russia - once an ally, Nap. lead his troops deep into land to find the city they wanted scorched


Public school systems


Agreement between church and gov

Congress of Vienna

The first goal was to establish a new balance of power in Europe which would prevent imperialism within Europe, such as the Napoleonic empire, and maintain the peace between the great powers. The second goal was to prevent political revolutions, such as the French Revolution, and maintain the status quo.


To do things for the love of their country

Great Britain - Factors of Production

Three FOP : Land, Labor, Resources (Great Britain had all three - led to Industrialization)

Causes of Industrialization

Factors of Production and Less Expensive ways to do the same task in a more efficient manner

Agricultural Revolution

Improvement in agricultural technology - increase in food surplus


The owner or manager of a business enterprise who, by risk and initiative, attempts to make profits


Increase in population in town rather than in rural areas - workers moved to manufacturing hubs - agricultural jobs became less common


The capitalist class who own most of society's wealth and means of production.


Working class, unskilled laborers

Political Spectrum (Ind. Rev)

Communism, Socialism, Capitalism, Utilitarianism...

Communism - Karl Marx

Founder of Communist movement - unavoidable of Revolution leading to classless society


Welfare of people - health and education to create a more level society


Perfect community


Proper course of action is the one that maximizes utility, usually defined as maximizing total benefit and reducing suffering or the negatives.

Capitalism - Adam Smith

Invisible Hand - profit - Earn more when you work harder - Smith assumed that individuals try to maximize their own good (and become wealthier), and by doing so, through trade and entrepreneurship, society as a whole is better off. Furthermore, any government intervention in the economy isn't needed because the invisible hand is the best guide for the economy.