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275 Cards in this Set

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Who arrived in Tenochtitlan?
Where is Tenochtitlan located?
the valley of mexico
who was the leader of the aztecs?
what made cortes decide to stay in mexico?
the amount of gold
what did cortez do to make sure his men stayed in mexico with him?
ordered all his ships sunk so that his men would have to stay and fight the aztecs
what were the spaniards advantages?
horses, steel swords and armor, crossbows and light artillery
what was cortez' number one advantage?
Dona Marina
What was Dona Marina's spanish name?
What was Dona Marina to Cortez?
she was a native american slave
why was dona marina an advantage?
she spoke several languages including spanish
what did malinche tell cortez?
how much the aztecs were hated by other native american tribes
who became allies with the spaniards?
the tribes that hated the aztecs
who fought with the spaniards in the battlefield?
the tribes that hated the aztecs
what did the tribes teach the aztecs?
they taught them about the terrain of mexico
What happened in 1519?
Montezuma invited spaniards into the city
Why did montezuma invite the spaniards into the city?
he feared that cortez may be quetzalcoatl
After a couple of days of sightseeing, what did Cortez do?
toook Montezuma prisoner
What happened while Cortez was out of the city?
one of his soldiers interfered with a religious ceremony which incited a riot
Who do the Aztecs believe killed montezuma?
the spaniards
Who escapes after Montezuma is killed?
Cortes and Dona Marina
Why aren't the aztecs able to chase down the spaniards after montezuma's death?
an outbreak of smallpox
What did Cortez do a year later?
he returns with an army of native american tribes that hated the aztecs
What happened after the seige between the aztecs and spaniards?
Tenochtitlan was taken over by the Spaniards and made a Spanish colony
Who landed on the coast of Peru in 1532?
How many men did Pizarro land on Peru with?
Who was the Incan ruler?
How many men were in Atahualpa's armY?
When Atahualpa arrived to Pizarro's meeting, what happened?
The Spaniards ambushed his guards, who were unarmed
What happened to Atahualpa after the meeting?
He was taken prisoner
What did Atahaulpa offer for his release?
Ransom; a room full of gold and other treasures
What happened once Atahualpa filled the room with gold?
He melted down the gold into bricks and had Atahualpa killed
Who ruled Peru after Atahualpa died?
How did Pizarro die?
Fighting occured amongst the Spaniards and he was murdered by one of his soldiers in 1541
Who was governor of Puerto Rico?
Ponce De Lion
What did Ponce de Lion believe?
a myth about a fountain of youth
What year did Ponce De Lion organize an expedition?
Where did Ponce de Lion land on his expedition?
St. Augustine
What was special about Ponce De Lion's expedition?
It was the first European expedition to reach the US
What did Pizarro name the land where he landed?
What does Florida mean?
Full of flowers
Did Pizarro ever find the fountain of youth?
Who landed in Tampa Bay in 1528?
Cabeza de Vaca and Estevanico
What did de Vaca and Estevanico hope to find?
A great empire filled with treasures
Where did De Vaca and Estevanico actually land?
Galveston, Texas
What happened to Cabeza de Vaca and Estevanico in Texas?
They were captured and enslaved by Native Americans
Did De Vaca and Estevanico escape?
What did De Soto go in search of?
cities of gold
Where did De Soto explore areas from?
the Southeast to the Mississippi
Did De Soto find any gold?
Why did the Native Americas hate De Soto and his crew?
They stole food from them and enslaved them
Why did Coronado start to explore?
He heard reports of golden cities
How many men were in Coronado's army?
Where did Coronado find one of the golden cities?
Zuni, Mexico
What was actually in Zuni, Mexico?
Adobe houses
Where did Coronado end up?
Who founded the city of Santiago, Chile?
Valdivia and Suarez
What did Valdivia and Suarez conquer?
Much of Chile
Who did they conquer Chile for?
By 1550, where was Spain's territory?
Kansas to Chile
What was special about the Spanish territory in the Americas?
First empire seperated from its capital
How did Spain rule its territory?
Setting up viceroys
What is a viceroy?
Royal agents
What was each viceroy to do?
It was responsible for a particular area
Where did the viceroy in Mexico City rule?
Spain's North American territory
Where did the viceroy in Peru rule?
Spain's South American territory
Who could not attain the position of the viceroy?
Anyone born in the Americas
Who granted the Encomienda?
Council of Indies
What did a holder of encomienda do?
Became a master of a particular area
What three things did the Encomienda do?
Forced Native Americans to work long hours, forced to work in silver mines, overall, treated like slaves
Who was Phillip II gat his empire from?
Charles V
Who was the hardest working monarch?
Phillip II
What religion did Phillip II support?
What places did Phillip II rule?
Spain, Milan, Naples, Franche-Compte, Netherlands, Portugal
What colonies did Phillip II control?
East Indies, Africa, India, and the Americas
What was the Escorial?
Phillip's palace
What was a palace monastery?
Phillip's palace
Nerve center of the spanish empire
symbol of his desire to strengthen his kingdom and catholicism
According to Phillip, who were Spain's rivals?
the Ottoman Turks and Protestants
Who called for all catholics to take up arms against the Ottomans?
the Pope
Where did the Spanish forces defeat the Ottoman navy?
Greek seaport of lepanto
Who fought with the Spanish against the Ottomans?
What was Phillip's first task in order to defeat the protestants?
To crush Protestantism in his own lands
What did Phillip do after his first task was complete?
He defeated or weakened protestant rulers throughout Europe
Who were Phillip's biggest foes after the protestants were defeated?
Netherlands and Elizabeth I
Who was Phillip II married to?
After Mary died, what did Phillip plan to do?
Marry Elizabeth
Why did Phillip want to marry Elizabeth?
England as a Catholic country
Did Elizabeth decide to marry Phillip?
Who did Elizabeth aide so they would help her fight against Phillip?
Dutch Rebel Forces
What did Elizabeth do to Spain?
She encouraged her sea captains to raid Spanish ships
What did Phillip's reign mark the beginning of?
a Golden Age for Spanish culture
Who was not Spanish by birth but Greek?
El Greco
What did El Greco's painting show the strength of?
Catholocism in Spain
What did El Greco paint?
Catholic Saints and martyrs
Who was known for his portraits of Spanish monarchs?
What writer fought in the Battle of Lepanto?
What was Cervantes jailed for?
What was Cervantes' occupation?
Tax collector
Who wrote Don Quixote de la Mancha?
What was special about Don Quixote de la Mancha?
It was what some consider the first modern European novel
What was Don Quixote de la Mancha about?
It was a satire of chivalry
What year did Phillip die?
What happened to Phillip's successors?
They were weaker kings
By 1650, what happened?
The Spanish economy was in a terrible state
Who was the king in debt to after Phillip died?
Foreign creditors
What occured in Spain after Phillip died?
Inflation (Spain was flooded with gold and silver, thus the value dropped)
Did Spain import or export more?
Instead of sailing east, where did Columbus sail to?
West across the Atlantic
What was Columbus in search for?
an alternate trade route to Asia and its riches
What day did Columbus find land?
October 12, 1492
What does "tierra" mean?
Where do scholars believe that Columbus actually landed?
On an island in the Bahamas in the Caribbean Sea
Who were the natives on the island where Columbus landed?
What did Columbus name the island where he landed?
Sand Salvador
What does San Salvador mean?
Holy Savior
After Columbus was successful in his first voyage, what did Spanish rulers do?
Financed three more voyages
What did Columbus journey as after his first voyage?
An empire builder
What did the Spanish intend to do?
Transform the islands of the Caribbean into colonies
Lands that are controlled by another nation
In 1500, who reached the shores of Brazil
Pedro Alvares Cabral
What country was Pedro Alvares Cabral from?
Who did Pedro Alvares Cabral sail for?
Who traveled along the eastern coast of South America?
Amerigo Vespuci
What country was Amerigo Vespuci from?
What country did Amerigo Vespuci sail for?
Upon Amerigo's return to Europe, he claimed that the newly discovered land was not part of Asia, but what?
a "new world"
In 1507, who named the new continent America in honor of Vespuci?
a German mapmaker
Who had marched through Panama?
Vasco Nunes de Balboa
What was special about Vasco Nunez de Balboa's trip?
he was the first European to gaze upon the Pacific Ocean
How many men and how many ships did Magellan sail arund the southern tip of South America with?
230 men; 5 ships
How did Magellan die?
He became involved in a local war in the Phillippines and was killed
What did Magellan's crew do after he died?
Sailed toward home
Out of Magellan's original crew, how many men and how many ships arrived back to Spain?
18 men; one ship
In 1500, who claimed Brazil for Portugal?
During the 1530s, what did portuguese colonists begin to do?
Settle Brazil's coastal region
After the Portuguese colonists found little gold or silver, what did they do?
They began growing sugar
Like the Spanish, what did the Portuguese do to the land and people of conquered places?
They conquered Native Americans and gave thousands of them disease
What did priests speak out against?
The cruel treatment of natives
In particular what did the Priests criticize?
The harsh pattern of labor that emerged under the encomienda system
Who wrote: "than the tyranny which the Spanairds use toward the Indians for the getting of pearl (riches)"
Dominican monk Bartolome de Las Casas
In response to the writings of Las Casas and others, what did the Spanish government do?
Abolished the encomienda system in 1542
What did the priest later change his views about?
He denounced African slavery
In 1493, Columbus encountered resistance in trying to conquer where?
the island of St. Croix
Before surrendering, what did the natives of St. Croix do?
They defended themselves by firing poison arrows
At the end of the 17th century, who fought against Spanish rule?
Natives in New Mexico
In converting the natives to Christianity, what did Spanish priests and soldiers do?
Burned their sacred objects and prohibited many native rituals
What did the Spanish make the natives do?
Forced them to work for them and sometimes abused them physically
What happened to Native Americans in New Mexico that practiced their own religion?
They were beaten
Who led a well-organized uprising against the Spanish in 1680?
Pope`, a pueblo ruler
What did the rebellion involve?
17,000 warriors from villages all over New Mexico
Who won? The native fighters or the Spanish?
Native fighters; they drove the Spanish back into Spain
Who did New Mexico belong to for the 12 years after the natives fought the Spanish?
The original natives
What did Magellan's voyage show?
That ships could reach Asia by way of the Pacific Ocean
What did Spain claim?
The route around the southern tip of South America
Not finding a route through North America to Asia, who established colonies in North America?
French, Dutch, English
Who discovered the New York Harbor?
Giovanni da Verrazzano
What country was Verrazzano from?
What country did Verrazzano sail for?
Who discovered a gulf off the eastern coast of Canada that led to a broad river, the St. Lawrence?
Jacques Cartier
What did Cartier name a large island that he found dominated by a hill? What is it now?
Mont Royal; became Montreal
What country was Cartier from?
Who sailed up the St. Lawrence river and claimed what he called Quebec?
Samuel de Champlain
What country was Champlain from?
What is New France?
The base of France's colonial empire in North America
What two people explored the Great Lakes and the upper Mississippi River?
Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet
What country did Jacques Marquette and Louis Joliet sail for?
Who explored the lower Mississippi River?
Sieur de La Salle
Who did La Salle claim the Mississsippi River Valley for?
What did La Salle name the River Valley?
Louisiana in honor of King Louis XIV
Where were beavers almost extinct? Where were they plentiful?
Europe; North America
Unlike the English, what were the French interested in doing?
Occupying territories instead of making money off the land
Who were the second sons?
The sons that would not get the inheritence from their fathers and had to make their own money
What was the first waive of colonists to Jamestown mostly made of?
2nd Sons
In 1606, what did a colony of London investors obtain from King James?
A charter to found a colony in North America
Why was Jamestown's start disasterous?
The settlers were more interested in finding gold than planting crops
Why did Jametown's outlook great improve?
Farmers discovered tobacco
What did Jamestown's investors finally do?
Let king James take over the colony as a royal colony
Who were persecuted for their religious beliefs in England and so they sought religious freedom?
Who also sougth religious freedom from England's Anglican Church?
What did Puritans want to do?
Build a model community that would set an example for other Christians to follow
Who was searching for a northwest sea route to Asia?
Henry Hudson
What three things were named for Henry Hudson?
Hudson River
Hudson Bay
Hudson Straight
Who claimed the region along the three hudson waterways?
Who did the Dutch establish a fur trade with?
The Iroquois Indians
Where did the Dutch build a trading post at? What is it now?
Fort Orange; Present day Albany
What did the Dutch merchants form?
the Dutch West India Company
What became known as New Netherland?
The Dutch holdings in North America
Who settled in New Netherland?
more Dutch, Germans, French, Scandinavians, and other Europeans
New Netherland's population was so ethnically diverse, what was it called?
A great "confusion of tongues"
What three islands in the Caribbean did the French seize control of?
Haiti, Guadeloupe, and Martinique
What two islands in the Caribbean did the English seize control of?
Barbados and Jamaica
What two places did the Dutch seize control of?
Netherlands Antilles and Aruba
What did the Europeans build on their islands?
Huge sugar plantations
What were privateers?
Privately owned armed ships that acted on behalf of their government
What did privateers do?
Attacked merchant ships of enemy nations and sank or robbed them
How did the English oust the Dutch?
Charles II granted his brother, Duke of York, permission to drive out the Dutch. When the duke's fleet arrived at New Netherland, the Dutch surrendered without firing a shot.
What did England gain as a result of ousting the Dutch? What did they name it?
New Netherland; New York
By 1750, how many English colonists lived in how many colonies? Where did these colonies stretch from?
1.3 million colonists, 13 colonies, Stretching from New Hampshire to Georgia
What began in 1754?
French Indian War
What was another name for the French Indian War?
the Seven Year's War
What two things were fought for during the Seven Years' War?
Territorial and colonial supremacy in Europe and the West Indies
Who won the French Indian War?
As a result of the French and Indian war, what did the British seize control of?
Nearly the entire eastern half of North America
What two countries/people established a cooperative relationship with the Native Americans?
French and Dutch
What was the French and Dutch's good relationship with the Native Americans mostly based on?
Mutual benefits of the fur trade
Unlike the French and Dutch, what did the English want to do?
Populate their colonies in North America
In order for the English to populate their colonies, what did this mean for the natives?
They were pushed off their lands
What did the Puritans consider the Native Americans?
What is a heathen?
A person without a faith
As early as 1622, who attacked the colonial villages around Jamestown? How many settlers did they kill?
Powhatans; 350
What began in 1675?
King Phillip's War
Who was the native american ruler that started King Phillip's war?
How did King Philip's war start?
Metacom led an attack on 52 colonial villages throughout Massachusetts
Because of smallpox, what did the population of the Massachusett tribe drop to? What did it start at?
750; 24,000
What was one of the effects of the smallpox outbreak among the Native Americans?
Shortage of labor in the colonies
Because the English settlers had no labor, who did they get instead of Native Americans?
African Slaves
Was the relationship between Native Americans and Dutch and French good or bad? Why/Why Not?
Good; Dutch and French only wnated to trade and make money. They were respecful of native american culture and did not try to change them
Was the relationship between Native Americans and those who settled in New England good or bad? Why/Why Not?
Bad; New Englanders wanted to change the natives and make them look like them, act like them, and have the same religion
Was the relationship between Native Americans and Jamestown settlers good or bad? Why/Why Not?
Initially good because the Powhatans did not think that they would stay so they taught the settlers how to survive. It got bad when more settlers came and took the Natives land
to relinquish formally
to leave quickly and secretly to avoid arrest
To give ones consent at the insistance of another
supplementary part or item
to approach and speak to boldly
Something gained
Bitter in tone and manner
To order judicially
To command solemnly under oath
Don Quixote De La Mancha was about...
A satire on chivalry
El Greco painted...
Catholic saints and martyrs
Montezuma believed that Cortez was...
What made Cortez decide to stay in Mexico?
He saw how much gold the Aztecs had
Why did a riot break out in the city?
One of Cortez' men interrupted a religious ceremony
Who was the leader of the Incan empire?
Who was the governor of Puerto Rico?
Ponce de Leon
Coronado traveled as far north as...
Elizabeth helped what group fight against Philip II?
Dutch Rebels
What had Europeans planned to use Native americans for?
A source of cheap labor
Beginning around 1500, what happened?
European colonists began enslaving Africans in the Americas
How did African rulers justify enslavement?
Muslim belief that non-Muslim prisoners of war could be bought and sold as slaves
Between 650 and 1600, how many Africans did the Muslims transport as slaves?
4.8 Million
Where did the Muslims bring the African slaves?
Muslim lands of Southwest Asia
Once to the Muslim lands, what did the Africans do?
Worked as domestic servants
Were the sons and daughters of slaves in the Muslim world free or enslaved?
What were three reasons why Africans were good slaves for Europeans?
1- Africans had built up immunity to diseases
2- Africans had experience in farming and could handle large plantation work
3- Africans had no knowledge of the land and no other tribes that they knew
Definition: The buying and selling of Africans for work in the Americas
Atlantic Slave Trade
By 1650, how many Africans labored throughout Spanish America on plantations and in mines?
Who dominated the sugar market during the 1600s?
As the sugar industry grew, what else grew?
Colonists' demand for slaves
During the 17th century, what percent of all Africans brought to the Americas went to Brazil?
40 percent
As England's presence in the Americas grew, what else did England dominate?
The Atlantic Slave Trade
From 1690 to 1807, who was the leading carrier of enslaved Africans?
When did the Atlantic Slave Trade get abolished?
Rather than traveling inland, what did most European traders do?
Waited in ports along the western and eastern coasts of Africa
What two people worked together to capture Africans to be enslaved?
African merchants, local rulers
What did the African merchants and local rulers exchange the slaves for?
Gold, guns, and other goods
Who wrote a plea for his people?
King Affonso
Definition: Transatlanic trading network where Africans were transported to the Americas
Triangular Trade
Definition: The voyage that brought captured Africans to the West Indies and later to North and South America
Middle Passage
Instead of being enslaved, what did some slaves do?
Jump overboard and commit suicide
What percent of slaves aboard each slave ship commited suicide?
20 percent
Upon arriving in the Americas, what happened to enslaved Africans?
They were auctioned off to the highest bidder
After the slaves were sold, what happened to them?
Slaves worked in mines or fields or as domestic servants
In the Americas, what was special about slavery?
It was a lifelong condition, as well as a hereditary one
What did the African slaves try to keep alive?
Musical traditions as well as stories of their ancestors
Although unfamiliar with land, what did slaves do?
Run away
In 1739, what was a group of slaves in South Carolina known as?
The Stono Rebellion
Who did the Stono Rebellion slaves not kill?
Quakers and any white person who was nice to them
What kind of slaves were the Stono Rebellion slaves?
Angolian (From Angola)
What helped spread war and conflict throughout Africa?
What was African slaves greatest contribution?
Without African slaves' labor, what two places may not have survived?
Haiti and Barbados
In addition to their muscle, what other thing did African slaves bring?
Expertise in Agriculture
Why do latin american countries have mixed race populations?
Because the slaves intermarried with colonists