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28 Cards in this Set

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Who is:
Anne Boleyn
2nd wife of king henry. beheaded for treason. mother of queen Elizabeth.
Catherine of Aragon
first wife of KH8, aunt of Charles the 5th, daughter of isabelle and Ferdinand. had to get dispensation to marry Henry because she was married to his brother. Henry wanted annulment bvc she didn't have a son.
Edward VI
son of Jane Seymour. ruled at 9-15 .died at a young age bc of some disease. regents ruled for him. it was protestan. Church in England
Emperor Charles V
dude with a sweet haircut. emperor of holy roman empire. summoned Luther to Worms. opposed Luther. EDICT OF VARMS
Ignatius of Loyola
founder of Jesuits. educate, convert, stop protestants
Elizabeth I
she just wanted peace man. created Anglican church. threatened by Mar queen of Scotts (cousin.. roman catholic church). churched by RCC kind of spain Phillip
Johann Tetzel
#1 salesman of indulgences
John Calvin
founder of Calvinism. predestination... ruled Geneva, Switz/ wanted to create a theocracy. super strict rules and high moral standards. follower of luther
John Knox
Scottish preacher. presberterian church. governed by council of laypeople (non-cergy)
King Henry VIII
krazy with a k. ruled of England. had 6 wives.
Martin Luther
posted the 95 theses. created lutherism
Mary I
bloody. catholic. killed all the protestants
Pope leo x
excommunicated martin luther bc martin luther said he shouldn't be in power
Prince Frederick the Wise
luther's lord guy protector
Sir Thomas More
refused to take the oath that KH8 was the ruler of the Church. Henry had him imprisoned in the tower of London and killed
95 theses
martin luther put it up.. a bunch of complaints about the catholic church by luther. door of wittenberg church
act of supremacy
henry is the head of church in England. English citizens are required to take an oath
no infant baptism. Baptized when your old enough to understand. rebaptize adults. sep of church and state pacifists. Mennonites and quakers and amish and such
anglicanh church
church created by English cause shes the bomb. church OF England. priests may marry. sermons in engblish OK. similar beliegs, tradition, rituals, tools. SHE WANTED PEACE
a marriage that never happened
council of trent
Pope John 3. council of cardinals. they wanted to make doctrine and answer protestant critism. in trent. northern Italy. 1545-1563. They wanted better edu for clergy and bishops. indulgences are OK. faith and good works= salvation. bible+church. traditiom=authority
Defender of the Faith
diet of worms
martin luther debating doctrine and practices at meeting
edict of worms
luther= outlaw.heretic, no food, no shelter, burn books
forgive penance and refuce time in purgatory.
society of jesus. founded by Ignatius Loyola
Peace of Augsburg
1555- Charles V princes in Germany choose relgion of pope
Peasant revolt
revolting for social econ. political freedom. inspired by luther. luther stop it. kill the,m. peasants cut ties with luther. german princes attack peasants. 100,000 peasants are killed