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52 Cards in this Set

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What did the rise of farming lead to?


Domestication of animals and growing of plants is part of ________

Agricultural Revolution

Define specialized workers.

Workers who excelled and are specialized in a particular type of job.

Define domestication.

Usually referred to animals, taming an animal and making them less likely to turn on you. (i.e Nomads and their camels)

List the characteristics of a civilization.

* Specialized workers
* Record keeping
* Advanced technology
* Advanced cities
* Complex institutions

List the ways early people adapted to their environment.

They created dikes and canals to change the direction of water and minimize the amount of floods that would transpire, they built city walls, used irrigation ditches to their advantage, and traded with other civilizations.

What natural barrier protected Egypt from invasion?

The Mediterranean, the Mountains, the Sahara Desert and the Nile.

What is a similarity of ancient civilizations of Egypt and Mesopotamia

Both civilizations grew around helpful rivers that nurtured the people, developed a writing system, excelled in agriculture, and developed advanced cities.

What is the contrast farming in Egypt and farming in Mesopotamia?

Egypt had predictable floods, Mesopotamia had unpredictable floods. Mesopotamia was near more river valleys.

Describe how the Nile was used in trade.

The Egyptians used the Nile to transport goods for trade. Also, the domestication of camels around 1000 BC helped encourage trade routes over land and then linked India with the Mediterranean

How did mummification demonstrate the Egyptians belief in the afterlife

The ancient Egyptians believed that when someone died, their soul left their body. The soul would then return and be reunited with the body after it was kept in the tomb.

Describe the importance of the Nile River to ancient Egypt.

It served as a valuable resource to the Egyptians. Also, the Nile provided a reliable system of transportation between the Upper and Lower Egypt.

What is polytheism?

The belief in many gods

What is monotheism?

The belief in one god

Describe the geographical features of Greece.

Mountains and islands

What was the effect of the mountains of Greece?

It forced the Greeks to use the sea for their transportation and trading since traveling over land is difficult. It was difficult to farm. Also, due to isolation it was the creation of city states.

What was Aristotle's ideas of government?

He believed that virtuous and educated people should lead Rome.

What is a lasting impact of Athenian Government?


Define representative democracy.

A system of government in which representatives are elected by popular vote.

What type of government did the Greeks have?

* A monarchy (getting ruled by a king)
* An oligarchy (getting ruled by a few powerful people)
* An aristocracy (getting ruled by a small group of noble families.
* A direct democracy (citizens rule directly and not through representatives)

What were the long term effects of the Persian Wars?

* The Delian League was formed and Athens became the leader and most powerful city-state
* Athenian Golden Age
* It sprouted the Pelopponesian War

Who fought in the Pelopponesian war? Why?

Athens and Sparta because Sparta began to get jealous of the Athenians

This individual was able to blend Greek culture with he cultures of his newly acquired empire that included Egypt, Persia, and India. Who was he?

Alexander the Great

How did displaying the Law of the Twelve Tables help the Plebeians?

It protected the Plebeians against the Patricians because government under the Roman Republic was now balanced and no one branch had power over the other.

Describe the time period known as the Pax Romana.

It was a time of peace in the Roman Empire and Christianity spread. Rome was at its peak of their power as soon as Augustus went into power.

Who won the Punic wars and what did they 'win'?

Rome won the Punic Wars and received ultimate control of the Mediterranean.

What allowed Christianity to spread throughout the Roman Empire?

Apostles spread messages to cities all over the Roman Road, this type of religion interested and supported all types of people, and it promised eternal life.

List some of the reasons for the decline of the Roman Empire.

* Hostile tribes outside the empire disrupted trade.
* The government raised taxes.
* The economy suffered inflation.
* Overworked soil lost it's fertility.
* Military and political turmoil.
* Roman soldiers became less disciplined and loyal.

Describe each of the 5 pillars of Islam.

1. The Testimony of Faith - There is only one true god, Allah, and Muhammad is his Messenger.
2. Prayer - You must pray 5 times a day
3. Giving alms to the needy
4. Fasting the month of Ramadan
5. Taking the Pilgrimage to Mecca - The Islamic holy land

What happened to the Islamic faith after Muhammad died?

Some groups abandoned Islam, some refused to pay taxes, and others declared themselves as the new prophets. Until the caliphs brought order to the Islamic faith.

What caused the split of Muslims into different sects?

After Muhammad's death, the Muslims couldn't decide on one chosen leader to take Muhammad's place.

All able-bodied Muslims are supposed to do which of the following at some point in their lives?

Take the pilgrimage to Mecca - the Islamic Holy land.

How did Charlemagne bring order and stability to Europe?

He became Holy Roman Emperor and unified France.

Define feudalism.

Feudalism was a political system in which nobles were granted the use of land that legally belonged to the king.

Explain the Manor System of Feudal Europe.

The manor was the lord's estate. The manor system was a set of rights and obligations between a lord and his serfs.

What are some of the effects of the Crusades?

* The crusades increased the authority of the king.
* The pope's power was lessened.
* It ended feudalism.
* Jews were heavily persecuted.
* European merchants expanded trade.

How did Christianity become such a unifying force in Medieval Europe?

After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, barbarians took over Rome and picked up on their old customs. Then conquered land and brought those customs and practices with them. Also pagan Europeans began to adopt Christianity to be seen as equals to other Christian kingdoms.

When the Pope issued a call for a crusade against Islam, what happened to the Church's power?

The church's power lessened.

List some of the effects of the Bubonic Plague.

* About a third of the population died.
* The serfs left the manor in search of better wages.
* Jews were accused of being the cause of the plague.
* Doctors became more advanced.
* The church suffered a loss of prestige when its prayers failed to stop the mass killing of the bubonic plague.

Where did European explorers searching for a route to?


What were the Europeans hoping to accomplish on their explorations?

Glory, god, and gold.

Describe some of the things that helped make voyages possible.

Joint-Stock companies (a business in which investors pool their wealth for a common purpose, then share the profits), new technology (compass), and support from the monarchs.

What prompted a wave of new businesses and trade practices in Europe in the 16th and 17th centuries?

The Colombian Exchange - Growth in over seas trade and people pooling their wealth together.

Define mercantilism.

An economic policy under which nations sought to increase their wealth and power by obtaining large amounts of gold and silver and by selling more goods than they bought.

Explain some of the key concepts of the Renaissance.

The Renaissance society became more secular/worldly and focused more on human potential rather than relying on religion to guide them through life. Culture, style of art, and architecture developed during this era. The invention of the printing press.

Explain Martin Luther's role in starting the Reformation.

He wrote a list of complaints about the corruption within the Catholic Church, called the 95 Theses, and pinned them on the doors of the Wittenburg Church.

How did the Renaissance movement lead to a more secular society?

Since the plague people saw that god wasn't helping them very much so they started learning and not just relying on God and added more emphasis on individual potential.

Why was Leonardo da Vinci known as a 'Renaissance Man'?

He excelled in many different things.

What impact did Gutenberg's Printing Press have on the Reformation?

It spread Luther's message all over the empire expanding the amount of Protestants against the Catholic Church and literacy rates increased.

How were European monarchs able to become absolute rulers?

Heavy taxes supported trade, decreased power of nobility, and their were both religious and territorial conflicts. Also, European monarchs claimed to have the "divine right" to take control of the lands.

What impact did the Atlantic slave trade have on Africa?

It depopulated Africa and Africa became to be seen as a place for Europeans and Americans to exploit their human and natural resources.

Describe the conquistadors and their treatment of the Aztecs.

Like the reason of all other empires that have been acquainted with the conquistadors, their empire fell due to spread of diseases caused by the conquistadors.