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55 Cards in this Set

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legend on creation of the city of Rome
Romulus and Remus- twin sons of God Mars
- abandoned on the Tibet river and raised by she wolf
- decided to form city
Why was the geographical location of Rome an advantage?
- on the Tiber river - good to bring in goods
- has fertile land.
- on the Mediterranean - good for trade
Name three original groups that inhabited the region and characterize each of them.
1) Latins-built the original settlement at Rome - shepards and farmers - on Tibet River

2) The Greeks-established colonies along southern Italy and Sicily. - brought Greek influence - taught how to cultivate grapes, good in commerce
3) Estruscans- northern Italy, Romans adopted their writing system, the alphabet. good engineers/metalworkers.
Who did the Romans borrow their religious ideas from?
Greece their gods names were just differnent from those of Greek. Zues = Jupiter
is a form of government in which power rest with citizens who could vote (only free born Roman males)

** the Romans replaced its monarchy with a Republic in 509 BC***
One of the higher classes in the Roman society
- a wealthy land owner held most of power.
-inherited position and claimed their ancestry gave them the power to rule Rome
The common farmers, artisans, merchants; lower class citizens.

- they could vote but could not hold imp.govt. positions
- struggled for power against the Patricians
-the Plebian's representatives to their assembly

- they protected the rights of plebeians from unfair acts of patrician officials.
Rome had 2 official consuls(presidents)
- the term was only for one year.
- they commanded the army and directed the government but also had limited power (one could veto the other)
-Was the aristocratic branch of Rome’s government.

- It had both legislative and administrative functions in the republic (made laws, and controlled foreign and financial policies)

-made up of 300 members from the upper class chosen for life
- later they allowed plebians in
- represented the more democratic side of the government

- they made the laws for the common people, the plebians, and for the republic itself
- Tribal and Centuriate Assemblies (popular assemblies)

- were run and organized by the Tribunes (representatives)
a leader who had absolute power, ruled only for 6 months, and this method was only used in times of disaster.
what did the Romans mean when they said they had a "balanced government"?
- they thought their "republic" was balanced b/c they had the best of all types of govts (monarchy, aristocracy and democracy)

- how was the Roman Army?
- a unit of the army - made up of 5,000 heavily armed foot soldiers (infantry) backed up by the calvary

- Military was very imp for the Romans - was very organized and very skilled -(org helped them win)

- all romans who owned land were require to serve on the army for 10 yrs
Explain why the Patricians wanted to prevent the plebeians from holding important positions.
They wanted the power to them selves, because they believe the plebeians were lower class.
What were the twelve tablets or tables? What was its importance?
- a code of Roman laws written on a set of tablets hung at the Forum

- they established the Idea that all free citizens had a right to the protection of the law.
- the plebians loved them as they protected them
What was the cause that originated the Punic Wars? What cities were involved? When did they begin and when did they end? How long did the conflict last?
a.started b/c Carthage interfered with Rome's trade in the Mediterranean (both struggling to dominate trade in the Med Sea)
b.Carthage and Rome
c began in 264 b.c, ended in 146 b.c
d. it lasted 118 years
Explain each one of the three Punic Wars considering the territories under dispute, the outcome of the confrontation, and the names of the military leaders.

1st Punic War
1st Punic War

-was for control of Sicily and western Mediterranean
- Romans built a fleet, blocked ports and capture Sicily
-Carthage lost - was capitulated

- lasted 23 years
What was the consequence of the Punic Wars?
Carthage was destroyed and burned.

Rome became the BIG powerhouse in Med Sea
- controlled from Anatolia (on East) to SPain on the West
- later civil war b/c of the division b/n the 2 social classes
a) Did Rome owe its success to its government or its army?

b) Had Rome really achieved a "Balanced Government"
a. Its army because, there the ones that expanded the empire (strength was its organization)

b. No, because there was 2 different societies, the Plebeians and Patricians.
What were the effects of the Punic Wars on Rome’s small landowners?
It made the large landowners richer because they had more slaves; this made it impossible for the Small land owners to compete.

- 1/3 of all romans were slaves
What was the name given to poor people without lands or jobs?

- 1/4 of all Romans became known as urban poors (homeless)
What is the name given to rich landowners who concentrated huge properties?
(T or F) The addition of conquered people to Rome’s slave population lessened job opportunities for citizens

- Small farmers found it very hard to compete with the larger estates that had all the slaves from the lands they had conquered
Agricultural techniques changed from _______ agriculture to _______ agriculture.
Extensive, to intensive
ancient social roman class. It was the lowest status and possessed no property and therefore no land
an agricultural estate, large plantation
- one that was worked by enslaved labors.
-slaves worked there
- rich landlords
small unit of agricultural production. Small plot of land insufficient to produce surplus and in some cases it is not even able to produce income to maintain one family.
a plant that lasts for more than two growing seasons. Example: olives, vines.
Annual Crop
plant that dies after a season, a plant that flowers, produces seeds, and dies in one growing season. Example: wheat.
Intensive agriculture
form of agriculture that in ancient times implied an intense investment of labor per unit of production.
Extensive agriculture
Agriculture practiced in a large area of land using little labor and expense, resulting in a relatively small crop production. In ancient times it meant a low investment of labor per unit of production.
We are tribunes who wanted to redistribute land from the rich to the poor. his name was
Julies cesar - NO

Tiberius and Gaius (2 brothers) who were tribunes who attempted to help the poor
- both were killed

Generals during the Punic Wars

Hannibal - lead the Carthadge army - very bright - committed suicide at the end b/c didn't want to give into Romans

Scipio - ROman Gnrl - attacked and defeated Hannibal (2nd punic War at Zama)
civil war
A period of war or conflict between groups within the same country.
what problems were brought as Rome increased in size and wealth?

The Collpse of the Republic
- the differnce between wealth in the lower class with upper class no middle
- too many slaves took - they took the jobs of the poor
- poor people lost land in the various battles
- so poor became even poorer and angry.

- breakdown in milatary order - various military leaders wanted the power and they were buying off slaves and competing for power (weakened the military of the Republic)
Which two brothers atempted to help Romes poor?
- Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus
-they were Tribunes.
-proposed to limit the size of the wealthy estates so the small
farm land owners could compete and survive
- proposed ways to give land to landless veterans
Who was Julius Caesar?
- Milatary leader who took control as part of a Triunvirate - with Crasus (wealthy Roman) and Pompey (a general) when Rome was experiencing all the internal conflicts (after PW)
-Cesar: strong leader, military genius, consul for 1 yr, then governor of Gaul, France
-in govt for 10 yrs
- A group of three rulers that rule together
Why was Caesars so sucessful?
the people loved him and were very loyal b/c he undertook many hardships himself in the war

- he led the people to conquer Gaul, France, and later defeated Pompey's troops (who had become his enemy) in GReece, Asia, SPain, etc

- then appt dictator for life
Why was Caesar Killed? and who killed him
- Brutus (senator) led the plan
-the senateors stabbed Caesar in Senate chamber
- HE was killed beacuse senators and nobles were worried that he had too much power
what was the Battle of Actium?
- NAval battle faought by previous members of the 2ndTriunvate: MArk anthony/ Cleopatra vs. Augustas ( octavian)
- part of a civil war;
- Augustas won
what does Agustas mean
- "exalted one"
- name given to Octavian
- became single the emperor of ROme
PAz Romana
"Roman Peace"

- 200+ yrs period of peace that started when Augustus/Octavian took rule -

- the peak of Roman Empire's Rule
Roman policy towards the people they conquered (during the Republic)
- some became full citizens and could vote,
- other had all the rights of Romans except voting,
- But ROME never interfered with their ways as long as they supported the roman army and did not become friends with Roman enemies

- this philosophy enabled the Roman empire to grow and build a long lasting empire
2nd Punic War
2nd (216 - 202) -
- - Carthage was lead by Hannibal (brilliant fighter)
- Hannibal tried to take over rome. He came with soldiers and elephants all the way via Spain and France.
- At 1st Rome lost many soldiers (in Cannae), but then they regrouped and with help from allies and new leader Scipio defeated Hannibal at nearby city called Zama (near Carthage)
3rd Punic War
3rd war

149-146BC- 3 yrs

- Rome sieged and burned Carthadge

- sold all people to slavery and made Carthage a Roman Province
reforms implemented by Cesar before his death
1. granted citizenship to many romans in the provinces
2. expanded the Senate to other areas
3. created jobs for the poor - constructing new bldgs
4. enabled people w/o land to own property by starting some new colonies
5. icnreased the pay for soldiers
what happened after JC was killed?
- another civil war and destroyed part of the Roman Empire

- later Octavian, JC's adopted son (grandnewphew) takes over and becomes "Augustus"
describe reforms/improvements made by Augustus during Pax Romana
- glorified ROme with beautiful bldgs
- stabilized the political situation
- set up civil service - where people would get paid to work in govt.
-included plebians in govt
- very stable govt strengthened empire
- Empire grew from Spain to Mesopot, and from NAfr to Britain
what were the main industries during Pax Romana

- what helped theRoman Economy?
- trade

* had single coin - helped trade
* slaves imp to economy
describe Roman culture during Pax Romana
- valued discipline, strength, udefulness, and loyalty (more than beauty,elegance and grace)
- belived in god and goddeses - did rituals
-still big division b/n rich and poor (i.e. gladiator games)
- govt helped the poor with food
- govt provided games, races and entertaiment to entertain the poor
- religion and govt were linked - had to worship emperor
what religion developed and came about at the end of Pax Romana
Christianity -

- But early followers were brutalized and critizised - met hardships
STRUCTURE of the Replublic
Executive - had 2 consuls

Legislative - Senate (for life)
- Assembly of Citizens

Judiciary - praetors (judges) and censors (counted people for tax and other)
Sulla vs Gaius

** Big rivalry***
Gaius Marius - consul who defeated Jugurtha in the Jugurthine War - he got many poor volunteers for his army - worked with the people

Sulla - an aristocratic that wanted to represent the patricians - appointed Dictator to alleviate civil war crisis - wanted to restore power to Senate (away from people)