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34 Cards in this Set

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Saved Rome from Etruscan army
How did Rome transform power wise?
Began a small-city state, ended up ruling all Mediterranean area.
Geography of Rome
- On Italian Pen.
- Center of Italy
- Location helped as Rome expanded
- Didn't have small, isolated valleys
- Apennine Mts had fertile plains near the Alps = advantage
Who were the Roman ancestors?
Where did Romans first settle?
Along the Tiber River
Who shared the Italian Pen. with Romans?
Greeks and Etruscans - (ruled much of Central Italy and Rome at the time)
What did the Romans learn from other civilizations?
- Greek created alphabet from the Etruscans
- Architecture (arch)
- Engineering techniques to drain marshy lands
How and when was the founding of the Roman state established?
Romans drove out Etruscan ruler in 509 B.C.
Republic (meaning & def.)
Meaning: "thing of people"
Definition: government form in which some officials are chosen by the people
What was the Senate? When did it start? Who was in it? What did those people do?
- Most powerful governing body
- Republic
- Senators (patricians - landholding upper class)
- Made laws, elected 2 consuls
Supervisors of business of government and commanders of armies (serve 1 term)
Rome had a system of ______ __ _____ in their government
Checks on power
What was a dictator and when were they needed?
- Ruler who has complete control over the government (6 month rule)
- War
- Model dictator
- Organized Army
- led Romans to victory
- attended victory celebrations
- returned to his farmland

^ all in 16 days
Members of landholding upper class, wealthy
- farmers, merchants, artisans, and traders who make up most of the population.
- had little influence
Twelve Tables
- Laws of Rome inscribed on plaques
- First breakthrough for Plebeians in 450 B.C. Enabled them to appeal judgement, gained right to elect own officials (tribunes), and veto laws.
elected officials of the plebeians that protect the interests of the Plebeians.
Result of improvement in government
- Common people gained access to power
- Plebeians eventually chosen as consuls in senate,a dn the senate was open to them
ow was the role of Roman women different from those of Greek women?
Better roles, more individuality (ran businesses, shops, shipyards, raising familys, spinning, weaving, etc.)

*Patrician women later able to dine out, attend public entertainment w/ husband, go to public baths)
Livia and Agrippina the Younger
Women who had important public roles and political influence
subject for political careers
By 270 B.C., Roman power controlled _____ __ ______.
most of Italy
basic military unit of Rome (about 5,000 men)
What was the success of Rome due to?
skillful diplomacy and good army
What increased Latin language and Roman customs/beliefs in Rome?
Trade and travel
What weakened and finally brought the Roman Republic to its end, and brought on the rise of the Roman Empire?
the effects of expansion
After gaining control of the Italian Pen, the roman empire controlled _____
the area around the Mediterranean Sea
Punic Wars
- Rome vs. Carthage
- 264 - 146 B.C.
- First War: Rome won Sicily, Corsica, Sardinia
- Second War: Hannibal led army, elephants, 15 yrs, Romans won all of Carthage
- Third War: Rome completely destroyed Carthage
Control over foreign lands and people
By 133 B.C., Roman power extended from...?
Spain to Egypt
Huge estates for wealthy
Tiberius and Galus Gracchus
One of the first people to reform

Tiberius: give land to poor, killed in street violence
Julius Caesar
-forced dictator starting in 59 B.C.
-completed conquest of Gaul
-pushed through reforms
-Julian calender