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30 Cards in this Set

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the belief in Middle Ages that the earth was an immovable object in the center of the universe
Geocentric Theory
Catholic view of the universe from the Bible
the idea that the earth & other planets revolve around the sun
Heliocentric Theory
theory developed by Copernicus by studying movement of the planets
a major change in European thought, starting in the mid-1500s in which the study of the Natural World began to be characterized by careful observation & questioning of accepted beliefs
Scientific Revolution
based on the steps of the Scientific Method
Italian scientist & astronomer who wrote "Starry Messenger" that describes movement of planets around sun
Galileo Galilei
supported Copernicus Theory, Galileo was forced by Catholic Church to recant his discovery & placed on house arrest for life
a logical prodedure for gathering information about the natural world in which experimentation & observation are used to test hypotheses
Scientific Method
7 Steps: Problem, Research, Hypothesis, Experiment, Data Analysis, Results & Conclusion
English scientist who brought the scientific method together & wrote The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy
Isaac Newton
the universe acts like a clock with predictable movements
10th Century European movement in which thinkers attempted to apply the principles of reason & the scientific method to all aspects of society
Included Locke, Rousseau, & Voltaire as political philosophes
the agreement by which people define & limit their individual rights, thus creating an organized society
social contract
enlightenment thinkers felt government was based on agreement between the people and their leaders
English philosopher who believed humans can learn from experience & improve, all people are born free & equal with 3 natural rights of life, liberty, and property.
John Locke
the government's purpose is to protect these natural rights & if Gov't does not, it is the people's right to overthrow it
one of a group of social thinkers in France during the Enlightenment
later coined "philosopher" & included any enlightened thinker
French philosophe who published 70 books of political essays, philosophy & drama; fought for Tolerance, Reason, Freedom of Religious Beliefs, & Freedom of Speech
Pen name for Francois Mari-Arouet; quote: "I don't believe with a word you say, but I defend to the death your right to say it"
French writer devoted to study of political liberties; wrote "On the Spirit of Laws"
Baron von _______________
proposed separation of powers by checks & balances; Power should be a check to Power.
French philosophe who championed "individual freedom" , thought that civilization corrupted peoples' natural goodness, he felt all people are equal & titles of nobility should be abolished
Jean Jacque Rousseau said that good government is freely formed by the people & guided by the 'general will' of society; wrote The Social Contract - "Good Gov't comes from the consent of the governed
English writer who advocated education for all women, wrote A Vindication of the Rights of Women (1792)
Mary Wollstonecraft
all women should have equal rights as men; died in childbirth but daughter lived & became Mary W. Shelley writer of Frankenstein
a social gathering of intellectuals & artists like those held in the homes of wealthy women in Paris & European cities during the Enlightenment Period
high society social gatherings where women exchanged ideas
relating to grand, ornate style that characterized European painting, music, & architecture in 1600s-early 1700s
relating to a simple, elegant style based on ideas & themes from Ancient Rome & Greece that characterized the arts in Europe during late 1700s
one of the 10th C. European Monarchs who was inspired by Enlightenment ideas to rule justly & respect the rights of his/her subjects
enlightened despot
Ex. Ferdinand the Great, Joseph II, & Catherine the Great
Tsaress of Russia ( 1762-1796) who ruled with absolute authority but also reformed Russia including its legal system, allowing religious toleration, abolished use of torture & capital punishment
Catherine the Great
she used the army to crush a serf uprising & revolt in Russia and revoked serf freedoms in 1772
a statement of the reasons for the American colonies' break with Britain;
Declaration of Independence
approved by 2nd Continental Congress, author was Thomas Jefferson & Benjamin Franklin
author of Declaration of Independence & supported free speech, religious freedom & other Civil Liberties
Thomas Jefferson
Jefferson borrowed ideas from Locke, Voltaire, & Montesquie
measures designed to prevent any one branch of government
from dominating the other
checks & balances
Legislative Branch, Executive Branch & Judicial Branch
a sytem of government is divided between a Central authority & a number of individual states
federal system
The first ten amendments to the constitution that protects the citizens basic rights & freedoms
Bill of Rights
Advanced Tycho Brahe's study of planetary motion using mathematical laws that showed the planets revolve around the sun in ellipitcal orbits not circles
Johann Kepler
developed the Scietific Method using science & urging the use of reasoning, experimentation & drawing conclusions on Empiricism/Experimental Method to understand the natural world
Bacon & Descartes
Dutch scientists who invented the microscope & studied bacteria on both tooth plaque and red blood cells
Janssen & Leeuwenhoek
Italian philosophe who reforms the Criminal Justice System; Quote: Laws exist to preserve the social order, not to avenge crimes; abolished torture of the accused
Bonesana Beccaria
promoted a speedy trial & aboliished capital punishment
Narrator of Gulliver's Travels in 1726, an English Dr. takes 4 voyages to foreign lands
Johnathan Swift
Austrian King & radical reformer, son of Maria Theresa,( 1780-90 )
Joseph II
introduced legal reform, outlawed torture, supported religious freedoms, abolished Serfdom`& ordered that peasants must be paid for labor.w/ cash, freedoms of speech & press