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42 Cards in this Set

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What kinds of problems exist because of the hereditary nature of the position of the Sultan in Muslim Empires?

Leads to struggles over succession within families

What made it possible for the arts to flourish during the Ming and Early Qing dynasties?

Christian Missionaries

What did people living in the Ottoman Empire experience?

Religious tolerance, artistic achievements

Why did the Qing allow European traders to work only on one island?

Limit the contact that the Chinese had with the Europeans

What did the government of the Manchu do to identify rebels who opposed them?

Ordered all Chinese males to shave their foreheads and braid their hair in a pigtail called a Queue

Which effect made it possible for China to remain an agricultural society?

A faster-growing rice becomes available

Why did the Islamic trade network develop in the Malay Peninsula and the Indonesian archipelago?

Muslim merchants wanted to trade spices that was abundant

What allowed China to remain mostly agricultural, even though each farmer had less land for producing food after a large increase in population?

It's a faster-growing species of rice

Know what the geocentric theory looks like:

The belief that the Earth was in the center of the solar system?

How did copious change the way we view the structure of the universe?

he proposes the idea that the sun is the center of the solar system

What important idea did Montesquieu come up with that is our system of government?

Seperation of Powers

Which countries king inherited the throne and imprisoned his foes without trial, dissolved Parliament because he did not want to consult with them when he increased taxes


What influenced Korean leaders to isolate the country?

The manchu people attacked and devastated the country,

What important idea shows how rigid Japan's class system was under the Tokugawa rule?

Intermarriage between the classes was forbidden

Why did Japan remain isolated from the sixteenth to the Eighteenth century?

Japan prohibits Christian activities and restricts trade

What was the order of the four main classes during the Tokugawa era, from highest to lowest?

Warriors, Peasants, artisans and merchants

Why were the Ottoman Turks able to expand their empire?

Master firearm technology

What did Suleiman do during his reign?

the government regulated laws

Why is Aurangzeb considered to be one of India's most controversial rulers?

Brought the Mogul empire to its greatest physical size, yet it was plagued by warfare and religious intolerance

Understand the Akbar era of the Mogul dynasty:

Peace and Stability

Why did Europeans begin to explore and expand the 1500s

Gain riches, spread religion, find adventure

What was the result of Vasco Da Gama's discovery of a route to India by sea?

Very profitable, returned with valuable cargo of spices

Why did the Dutch compete successfully for trade in Asia?

Development of a new ship, growth or merchantilism in the Dutch republic

African people were captured and forcibly sent to the Americas as part of what?

triangular trade route

According to mercantilists, what would the prosperity of a nation depend upon?

large supply of bullion or gold and silver

Why were enslaved Africans needed in the Caribbean Islands?

The native american population was small due to diseases

The dutch traded luxury items from India as well as enslaved people from West Africa in an attempt to do what?

become less dependent on spain and portugal and gain wealth

What were the most important Latin American natural resources for Spain

gold and Silver

Why could only peninsulares hold important government positions in Latin America?

They were born in their parent countries that founded their colonies

Why was the encomienda a failure?

Native Americans were abused instead of being protected

What was one important effect of the slave trade on African societies?

decrease population in some areas

How does the Declaration of Independence reflect the ideas of enlightenment?

1) The right to revolt against tyrannical government

2) Government gets power by consent of the people

3) Natural rights

What was the main goal of Columbus and his voyages?

Take goods from the new lands as profit to benefit the Christian peoples of his country

The development of printing using movable type did what for people?

become better informed

Understand how the reign of Elizabeth I was different from Henry Navarre and Phillip II.

Elizabeth I was more moderate in religion and politics. She was the only protestant of the three

In Japan, what does the society believe should happen to women if they neglect their household duties?

The husband is allowed to divorce

How was the Mongol empire created?

conquest through warfare

What was an important effect of the Mongol empire?

a period of prosperity called the Pax Mongolica

What is the name of the different provinces in the Mongol world?

Administrative regions called Khanates

What was the purpose of establishing the Shogunate?

to strengthen government

How does the U.S constitution reflect the ideas of the Enlightenment?

1) free speech, press, and religion

2) due process under the law

3) provides separation of powers

Spain's colonial p[olicy of mercantilism affected the development of Latin American nations by promoting what?

Production of raw materials and cash crops