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142 Cards in this Set

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British East India Company
- Joint stock company granted by Elizabeth to control trade
Sepoy Mutiny
- Rebellion of Hindu and Muslim soldiers against British in India
- British rule of India from 1757 to 1947
Indian National Congress-
Political party in India to press for greater rights under British rule, led to Indian independence
Muslim League-
Protected Indian Muslims, struggled for Indian independence
Unequal treaties-
China signed Treaty of Nanjing under pressure of invasion, Western powers trade benefits
Right of citizens to be tried in courts of native country
Taiping Rebellion-
Widespread civil war in China from 1850 to 1864, led by Christian convert
Boxer Rebellion-
A siege of a foreign settlement in Beijing by nationalists who were angry at foreign involvement
Sun Yixian-
Chinese statemen and revolutionary leader who believed in democracy so created nationalist party
Treaty of Kanagawa-
Japan and US open Japanese ports for US trade
Emperor Meiji-
Modernized and reformed Japan, sent people to Western societies, rapid industrialization
Sino Japanese War-
China and Japan over Korea, Japan won, successful modernization
Social Darwinism-
Application of scientific theories to nations and races, justified imperialism and racism
Cecil Rhodes-
Wealthy outspoken advocate of social Darwinism
Suez Canal-
Britain’s technological advancement in Egypt linked Mediterranean and Red Sea, shortening trip from Europe to Indian Ocean
Berlin Conference-
1884-1885- Meeting where reps of European countries agreed on rules for colonization of Africa
King Leopold II of Belgium-
Financed expedition to Congo, his armies treated people brutally and exploited them as workers, so did nothing about it. Rubber trees.
Zulu Empire, bettered military, killed clans, conquered much of southern Africa
Menelik II-
Emperor of Ethiopia, gained independence from Italy
Santa Anna-
Mexican general, president, dictator who fought in Texas Revolution and seized Alamo but was defeated and captured by Sam Houston
Porfirio Diaz-
Mexican general and politican, dictator for 30 years, encouraged foreign investment but ruled harshly
Mexican revolutionary led revolt against Diaz in south during Revolution
Pancho Villa-
Mexican bandit and revolutionary against Huerta, pursued by US
Mexican revolutionist and politician, led forces against Huerta in Mexican rev
Cuban writer and independence fighter, killed in battle but symbol for Cuba’s fight for freedom
Spanish-American War
War fought between Spain and US that began after sinking of battleship. U.S. won in 4 months gaining control of Puerto Rico, Guam, and Philipns
Emilio Aguinaldo
- Self proclaimed president of Philippines, fought for independence
Roosevelt Corollary-
A policy proposed by president to use military to prevent European interference in Latin American nations while allowing U.S. to intervene
White Man’s Burden
- The supposed or presumed responsibility of white people to govern and impart their culture to nonwhite people, often advanced as.
Triple Alliance-
political alliance between German, Austria-Hungary, and Italy before World War I.
Triple Entente-
an alliance between France, Russia, and Great Britain.
Franz Ferdinand-
heir to the throne of Austria-Hungary whose assassination by a Serb nationalist started World War I.
Gavrilo Princip-
Serbian nationalist who assassinated Ferdinand to spark WWI.
Not aiding either side during wa
Central Powers-
the alliance between Germany, Austria-Hungary and the Ottoman Empire during World War I.
Allied Powers-
alliance between Britain, France, and Russia during WWI.
Western Front-
deadlocked region in northern France during World War I where German and Allied armies faced off.
Trench Warfare-
Form of Combat in which soldiers dug trenches, or deep ditches, to seek protection from enemy fire and defend their positions
Total war-
A war that requires use of all of society’s resources
Information such as posters by government to change public opinion
Battle of Verdun-
The longest battle of WWI ended in stalemate, with both sides suffering many casualties
Gallipoli Campaign-
Failed attempt by the Allies in WWI to take control of Dardanelles
Killing of an entire people
Marxists whose goal was to seize state power and establish a dictatorship,
Gregory Rasputin-
Self proclaimed Russian holy man and figure at court of Czar Nicholas II, viewed as corrupt and support for czarist Russia deteriorated because of him
marxism- Leninism-
- The political and economic philosophy of Bolsheviks, led by Lenin, which looked to an uprising to abolish private property and enforce social equality
Russian communist revolutionary, negotiated peace between Russia and Central Powers to end Russian involvement in WWI
New Economic Policy-
Lenin’s plan, to allow limited capitalism, among farmers to restore soviet economy
Woodrow Wilson-
American president during WWI who didn't want to be involved with the conflict, stayed neutral, and worked for world peace.
German submarines that attacked civilian ships
Zimmermann Note-
telegraph sent to a German official in Mexico prior to the U.S.'s influence in the war which proposed an alliance with Mexico.
agreement to cease fighting during a war.
Fourteen Points-
President's Woodrow’s plan to organize Europe and avoid future wars.
Treaty of Versailles-
Treaty ending World War I, required Germany to pay huge war reparations and established the League of Nations
League of Nations-
legion of countries to prevent future wars.
territories once part of the Ottoman Empire that the League of Nations gave to other European powers to rule.
Balfour Declaration-
statement by the British foreign minister in favor of establishing a Jewish state in Palestine.
Jiang Jieshi-
Chinese general and politican who was leader of Nationalist Party and led attacks against Communists in 1920’s
Mao Zedong-
Leader of Chinese communists, led successful rev and established comm. Gov in 1949
Long March-
6000 mile journey made by Communist Chinese to escape Nationalist troops
Amritsar Massacre-
Event in which British troops fired on a large crowd of peaceful, unarmed Indian protestors, killing 400, led to campaign of protest by Gandhi
Mohandas Gandhi-
Leader of India’s struggles for independence against Britain, organized population for protest through methods of non violent resistance and civil disobedience
Kemal Ataturk-
Turkish leader, found of modern Turkey, sought to transform it into modern, secular state with separation between religion and government
Arrangement by which a purchaser borrows money from bank and agrees to pay back
Black Tuesday-
October 29,1929 day that market crashed
Great Depression-
A severe worldwide depression that followed the collapse of U.S. stock market, prices and wages fell, business activity slowed, and unemployment rose
32nd president, elected four times, led US during Great Depression and WWII
New Deal-
FDR’s plan of economic relief, recovery and reforms during Great Depression
John Keynes-
British economist, rev economic theory stated govern could prevent downturns by deficit spending, provided basis for New Deal
Smoot Hawley Tariff Act-
US law that set extremely high tariffs on imports in an effort to protect American farmers and manufacturers, result was worsening of Depression
Manchurian Incident-
Using an explosion on a Japanese- controlled Southern Manchurian railroad as an excuse, Japanese military forces conquered Manchuria and set up puppet government
Japanese puppet state formed in Manchuria and Eastern Mongolia
Anti Comintern Pact-
Agreement signed between Germany and Japan in which they established their opposition to the Comintern, a Soviet- sponsored international organization aimed at spreading communism
Nanjing Massacre-
The murder of as many as 300000 Chinese men, women, and children by Japanese troops
Benito Mussolini-
Italian fascist leader, ruled Italy for 20 years, alliance with Hitler brought Italy into WWII
A totalitarian system of government that focuses on the good of the state rather than on the good of the individual citizens
Form of gov in which person or party in charge has absolute control of all aspects of life
Dictator of Soviet union, led through WWII, created powerful Soviet sphere of influence in Eastern Europe after war, harsh on people
Collecting all farms for government
Political prisoners in Soviet union, taken to Serbia
Dictator of Germany, invasion of Europe began WWII,, notions of racial superiority, mass murder of millions of Jews
Nazi Party-
Nationalist Socialist Party, fascist political party of Hitler governed on totalitarian lines and advocating German racial superiority
Anti Semitism-
Hostility or prejudice towards Jews
Nuremberg Laws-
Nazi laws that eliminated citizenship and many civil and property rights for Jews
Hitler’s Nazis encouraged Germans to riot against Jews, night of broken glass
Giving in to aggressive demands in order to avoid war
Winston Churchill-
British leader who opposed policy of appeasement and led them through WWII
Axis Powers-
Alliance of Germany, Italy, and Japan in WWII
Nazi-Soviet Non-Agression Pact-
It was a non-aggression pact between the two countries and pledged neutrality by either party if the other were attacked by a third party
German word ‘lightning war’, a fast forceful style of fighting used in WWII
Alliance formed between Britain, France and Russia during WWI
Battle of Britain-
Three month air battle between Germany and Great Britain fought during WWII, Forestalled a German invasion
Hideki Tojo-
Japanese nationalist and general, control during WWII, executed for war crimes
US isolated themselves from Europe’s war, staying out of affairs and wars
Erwin Rommel-
German general during WWII, Commanded Afrika Korps, nicknamed Desert Fox, lost battle
Battle of El Alamein-
Britain won a decisive victory over Germany in Egypt, Suez Canal
Dwight D Eisenhower-
General who became prez, as Suprume Commmander in Europe led Allies in invasion of North Africa and France, D day
Siege of Leningrad-
Nazi army’s unsuccessful attempt to capture city, million killed
Battle of Stalingrad-
WWII battle between invading German forces and Soviet defenders for control of Stalingrad, each side sustained many casualties, turning point in war for Germany
Douglas MacArthur-
American general, commanded troops in southwest pacific during WWII, administered Japan after war, commanded UN forces in Korean War
Bataan Death March-
Forced march of American and Filipino POWs captured by Japanese in WWII
Battle of Midway-
WWII naval battle fought in Pacific, Americans broke Japanese code and knew date and location of attack, so they won
Battle of Guadalcanal-
WWII battle in Pacific, represented first Allied counterattack against Japan, victory forced Japan to abandon island
Japanese pilots loaded aircraft with bombs and crashed them into enemy ships
June 6, 1944, first day of Allied invasion of Normandy
V-E Day-
May 8th 1945, victory in Europe for Allies
Battle of Iwo Jima-
WWII battle between Japan and invading US
Battle of Okinawa-
Victory for allies that killed 10000 Japanese, 12000 US
Harry Truman-
President after FDR’s death, led US during end of WWII and Cold War
VJ Day-
August 15, 1945, Victory over Japan
Yalta Conference-
Meeting between Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin to agree on what to do w/ Germany
Organization formed in 1945 to maintain world peace by Allies
Potsdam Conference-
Meeting of Allie Powers after war to discuss Europe leads to Cold War
Munich Pact-
was an agreement permitting Nazi German annexation of Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland.
was the 1938 de facto annexation of Austria into Greater Germany by the Nazi regime.
Operation Barbarossa-
was the code name for Nazi Germany's invasion of the Soviet Union during World War II
Battle for Sicily-
Allies took over Italy from Axis powers
Battle of the Bulge-
Germany last offensive from keeping Allies away from Germany but U.S. breaks through Dec 1944
The Big Three-
Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin
Last Japanese city to be atomic bombed upon
Nuremberg Trials-
Trials in which Allies tried top Nazi officials, most were executed
Cold War-
Era of high tension and rivalry between US and Soviet Union after WWII
Iron Curtain-
Term coined by Churchill to describe imaginary line dividing Communist countries in Soviet bloc from countries in Western Europe during Cold War
Truman Doctrine-
Pledge to provide economic and military aid to countries threatened by communism
Marshall Plan-
Reconstruction of Europe after WWII, 13 billion dollars
US policy to stop spread of communism by providing economic and military aid to countries opposing Soviets
Berlin Airlift-
Program in which US and Britain shipped supplies by air to West Berlin during Soviet blockade to the city
North Atlantic Treaty Organization, defensive military alliance of twelve Western nations formed in1949
Warsaw Pact-
Military alliance of Soviet dominated countries in Eastern Europe
Hydrogen bomb-
A nuclear weapon that gets its power from fusing together hydrogen atoms
Development of maintenance of military power to deter, prevent an attack
Arms race-
Competition between nations to gain an advantage of weapons
First artificial satellite, launched by Soviets
Bay of Pigs invasion-
Failed attempt of Cuban exiles backed by US to overthrow Castro
Cuban missile crisis-
Confrontation between US and Soviets over their missiles in Cuba, 13 days, US has weapons in Greece
Nonaligned nations-
Nations who refused to ally with either side of Cold War
Efforts taken by Nixon to lower Cold War tensions
Independent labor union founded in soviet controlled Poland
Openness, refers to new era of media freedom in Soviet Union under Gorbachev
Restructuring of corrupt government bureaucracy in Soviet Union
Velvet Revolution-
A quick, peaceful rev that swept communists from power in Czechb